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Spiele Übersichtseite (2-spaltig)


Last update: 2021/08/15 for newer games see: Show page in 1 Column

7 Steps A Few Acres of Snow
 2-4 Players, 10 and older   2 Players, 60 Minutes, 12 and older 
 Author   Michael Kiesling, Reinhard Staupe   Author   Martin Wallace 
 Illustrator   Wolfgang Schmidts (SENSiT Communication)   Illustrator   Peter Dennis 
 Published by   Kosmos   Published by   Treefrog Games 
 Developed by   Alex Williams (AlexWilliams)   Developed by   (Brer Bear) 
 Online since   2016-03-07   Online since   2011-12-18 
 BoardGameGeek  161537  BoardGameGeek  79828
Kategorie Brettspiel Strategische Spiel Kategorie Brettspiel Strategische Spiel Kartenspiel
Short Description 7 steps ist ein abstraktes Spiel bei dem man nach Bauregeln seine Holzscheiben zu div. Türmen verbauen muß und dafür Siegpunkte je nach Turmhöhe (max. 7 Ebenen) bekommt. Weiterhin gibt es Bauhilfeplättchen, die dieses erleichtern und Siegpunkteplättchen, die sich auf die Endwertung auswirken. Der Spieler mit den meisten Punkten gewinnt. Short Description A Few Acres of Snow ist ein Deckbuilding Game in der Thematik des amerikanischen Bürgerkrieges. Der Spieler mit den meisten Punkten gewinnt, es gibt aber auch andere spontane Siegbedingungen.
Alchemist Ali Baba
 2-4 Players, 50-60 Minutes, 10 and older   2-4 players, 15-30 minutes, 8 years and older 
 Author   Carlo A. Rossi   Authors   Martino Chiacchiera, Remo Conzadori 
 Illustrator   Volkan Baga   Illustrator   Denis Martynets 
 Published by   AMIGO Spiel + Freizeit GmbH   Published by   White Goblin Games 
 Developed by   Alexandra (brujita)   Developed by   Jim Thompson(StCharles)
 Online since   2009-09-05   Online since   2021-10-09 
 BoardGameGeek  27385  BoardGameGeek  233960
Kategorie Brettspiel Kategorie
Short Description Short Description
   Antike Duellum
    2 Players, 30 Minutes, 7 and older 
 Author      Author   Mac Gerdts 
 Illustrator      Illustrator   N/A 
 Published by      Published by   PD-Verlag 
 Developed by      Developed by   Aitor (ArkTheLad) 
 Online since      Online since   2012-10-23 
 BoardGameGeek      BoardGameGeek  104955
Short Description Short Description Antike Dellum ist ein Eroberungsspiel in der Antike griechen gegen Karthage
Argo Arkadia
 2-4 Players, 45-90 Minutes, 9 and older   2-4 Players 
 Author   Bruno Faidutti, Serge Laget   Author   Rüdiger Dorn 
 Illustrator   Miguel Coimbra, Alexandre de la Serna   Illustrator   Michael Menzel, Walter Pepperle 
 Published by   Flatlined Games   Published by   Ravensburger Spieleverlag, Rio Grande Games 
 Developed by   Craig Chaney (coastliner)   Developed by   Jim Thompson (StCharles) 
 Online since   2019-08-17   Online since   2009-02-19 
 BoardGameGeek  17450  BoardGameGeek  25643
Kategorie Brettspiel Strategische Spiel Kategorie Brettspiel
Short Description Argo ist ein Escape spiel bei dem man mit verschiedenen Charakteren in unterschiedlichen Räumen unterschiedliche Aktionen tätigen kann. Ziel ist es mit möglichst vielen Personen die Raumstation zu verlassen und nicht von Aliens gefressen zu werden Short Description Arkadia ist ein Setz- und Legespiel, bei dem man durch geschicktes Platzieren und Bauen Vorteile erhält. In Kombination mit den Anzahl der zugehörigen Siegel werden die Siegpunkte ermittelt.
Arktia Aronda
 2-4 Players, 30-45 Minutes, 10 and older   2 Players, 8 and older 
 Author   Stefan Kögl (paldabar)   Author   Michail Antonow, Jens-Peter Schliemann 
 Illustrator   N/A   Illustrator   N/A 
 Published by   Murmel Spielwerkstatt   Published by   Clemens Gerhards KG 
 Developed by   Philipp Orth (wuellueb), Kay Wilke (Sparhawk)   Developed by   (MrLucky66) 
 Online since   2010-05-22   Online since   2009-05-01 
 BoardGameGeek  35674  BoardGameGeek  35546
Kategorie Brettspiel Strategische Spiel Kategorie Brettspiel Strategische Spiel Kartenspiel
Short Description Arktia ist ein abstraktes taktische Spielwas in sich in 2 Phase giedert.Phase1 werden die Forschungsmodule aufgebaut. ddiese konnen bewegt,kombiniert und wieder zerlegt werden. In phase2 muss, falls alle module gesetzt sind nach einer Bewegung ein Eisfeld abgeschmolzen werden. Kann der Spieler die Aktion nicht mehr ausfphren endet das spiel für ihn. punkte gibt es für bestzte gebiete, abgeschmolzene felder versenuen nader module. Short Description Arondo ist ein abstraktes taktisches Spiel, was darauf basiert, dass Felder mit mit eine best. anzahl eigener Steine besetzt werden können. die gleiche Anzahl umliegender Felder, die schon eingenommen sind, können zu einer aäußeren Pbernahme führen.Diese äußere Übernahme kann auch kaskadiert werden. Wer 13 Punkte oder mehr erreicht hat gewonnen.
At the Gates of Loyang Atacama
 2-4 Players, 90-180 Minutes, 10 and older   2,4 Players, 20 Minutes, 8 and older 
 Author   Uwe Rosenberg   Author   Martin Schlegel 
 Illustrator   Klemens Franz   Illustrator   Christian Opperer 
 Published by   Hall Games   Published by   Muecke Spiele 
 Developed by   Adrian Kügel (ak15)   Developed by   Ezra McNichols (storm1850) 
 Online since   2012-10-06   Online since   2016-12-11 
 BoardGameGeek  39683  BoardGameGeek  144587
Kategorie Brettspiel Kategorie Brettspiel Strategische Spiel
Short Description TBD Short Description Atacama ist ein taktisches setzspiel wobei durch Setzen sich zu wertende Spalten und Reihen ergeben hier die Siegpunkte. Es gibt es es unterschiedliche varianten die von von standard zu hochtaktisch und sehr viel deterministischer, ebenso eine Aufbauvariante.
Atlantida Atoll
 2-5 Players, 120-240 Minutes, 12 and older   2 Players, 6 and older 
 Author   Franklin Lautert (flautert)   Author   Mark Steere 
 Illustrator   N/A   Illustrator   N/A 
 Published by   N/A   Published by   Mark Steere Games 
 Developed by   Franklin Lautert (flautert)   Developed by   (MrLucky66) 
 Online since   2011-07-10   Online since   2008-11-22 
 BoardGameGeek  100374  BoardGameGeek  34221
Kategorie Brettspiel Strategische Spiel Kategorie Brettspiel Strategische Spiel
Short Description Atlantita ist ein Zivilisationsentwicklungspiel und in der späteren Phase ein Fluchtspiel. Trotz der schlechten Usability und altbackenem Design ein schönes und unterschätzes spiel. Short Description Atoll ist ein klassische Setzspiel, wo man von Nord nach Süd oder West nach Ost eine Verbindung der eigen Farbe herstellen muß. Ein taktisches spiel in Unterschiedlichen Größen gespielt werden kann, was je nach Größe anstrengend und schwieriger wird.
Atta Ants Attika
 2-4 Players   2-4 Players, 60 Minutes, 10 and older 
 Author   Richard de Rijk   Author   Marcel-André Casasola Merkle 
 Illustrator   N/A   Illustrator   Manuel Casasola Merkle 
 Published by   The Realm of Fantasy   Published by   Hans im Glück 
 Developed by   Kay Wilke (Sparhawk)   Developed by   Jim Thompson (StCharles), Henrik Larsson (MNeMiC) 
 Online since   2006-08-08   Online since   2016-10-03 
 BoardGameGeek  8128  BoardGameGeek  8051
Automobiles Awale
 2-5 Players, 45 Minutes, 10 and older   2 Players 
 Author   David Short (dshortdesign)   Author   N/A 
 Illustrator   Kali Fitzgerald, Ikaan Studio, Marco Morte   Illustrator   N/A 
 Published by   Alderac Entertainment Group   Published by   N/A 
 Developed by   (BloodyMary)   Developed by   Bianca (Antalee) 
 Online since   2016-05-13   Online since   2005-07-19 
 BoardGameGeek  180680  BoardGameGeek  2448
Balda Balloon Cup
 2 players, 15-60 minutes, 8 years and older   2 Players, 30 Minutes, 10 and older 
 Author      Author   Stephen Glenn 
 Illustrator      Illustrator   Jürgen Zimmermann, Michaela Schelk  
 Published by      Published by   Kosmos, Rio Grande Games, Tilsit  
 Developed by   Valdas Bučinskas (Buchas)  Developed by   Kay Wilke (Sparhawk) 
 Online since   2022-04-01   Online since   2008-01-19  
 BoardGameGeek      BoardGameGeek  5716
Bangkok Klongs Beta Colony
 2-4 Players, 45-60 Minutes, 10 and older   2-4 players, 40-80 minutes, 14 years and older 
 Author   Martin Schlegel   Authors   Ben Pinchback, Matt Riddle 
 Illustrator   Klemens Franz   Illustrator   James Davis 
 Published by   DLP-Games   Published by   Rio Grande Games 
 Developed by   Christoph (Biswut)   Developed by   Jim Thompson(StCharles)
 Online since   2011-03-11   Online since   2022-02-19 
 BoardGameGeek  82424  BoardGameGeek  235533
Black Friday Bonfire
 2-5 Players, 30-45 Minutes, 12 and older   2-4 players, 70-100 minutes, 12 years and older 
 Author   Friedemann Friese (friedemann)   Author   Stefan Feld 
 Illustrator   Christian Fiore   Illustrator   Dennis Lohausen 
 Published by   Kosmos, Rio Grande Games   Published by   Hall Games 
 Developed by   Carsten (soccerking), Henrike (KleinesK)   Developed by   Bart De Cock (be_com4) 
 Online since   2010-11-26   Online since   2022-01-23 
 BoardGameGeek  39242  BoardGameGeek  304420
    2-5 Players, 60 Minutes, 10 and older 
 Author      Author   Stefan Feld 
 Illustrator      Illustrator   Michael Menzel 
 Published by      Published by   Hans im Glück, White Goblin Games, Z-Man Games, Arclight Games, Broadway Toys Limited, dV Giochi, Filosofia Éditions, Hobby World 
 Developed by      Developed by   Jim Thompson (StCharles) 
 Online since      Online since   2019-11-02 
 BoardGameGeek      BoardGameGeek  136888
Cacao Call To Glory
 2-4 Players, 60 Minutes, 8 and older   2-4 Players, 30 Minutes, 8 and older 
 Author   Phil Walker-Harding   Author   Michael Schacht (mschacht) 
 Illustrator   Claus Stephan   Illustrator   Drew Baker 
 Published by   AbacusSpiele   Published by   White Goblin Games 
 Developed by   (BloodyMary)   Developed by   Francesco Testini (XiaoYi), Huachong Zhuang (Yanlanqi) 
 Online since   2015-11-07   Online since   2012-12-21 
 BoardGameGeek  171499  BoardGameGeek  124590
Campaign Manager 2008 Capt'n W. Kidd
 2 Players, 30-45 Minutes, 13 and older   2 Players, 9 and older 
 Author   Christian Leonhard (cleonhard), Jason Matthews   Author   Günter Cornett (Lono), Volker Schäfer 
 Illustrator   Joshua 'Josh' Cappel   Illustrator   Dietmar Krüger 
 Published by   Z-Man Games, Gen-X Games   Published by   Bambusspiele 
 Developed by   (Brer Bear)   Developed by   Kay Wilke (Sparhawk) 
 Online since   2011-02-12   Online since   2005-04-24 
 BoardGameGeek  46255  BoardGameGeek  11765
Carcassonne H&G Carcassonne South Seas
 2-5 Players, 8 and older   2-5 Players, 8 and older 
 Author   Klaus-Jürgen Wrede   Author   Klaus-Jürgen Wrede 
 Illustrator   Johann Rüttinger   Illustrator   Harald Lieske 
 Published by   Hans im Glück, Rio Grande Games   Published by   Hans im Glück, Z-Man Games 
 Developed by   (BloodyMary)   Developed by   (BloodyMary) 
 Previously developed by   Kay Wilke (Sparhawk) 
 Online since   2007-06-02   Online since   2016-04-17 
 Reimplemented   2015-11-01 
 BoardGameGeek  4390  BoardGameGeek  147303
Carolus Magnus Carpe Diem
 2-3 Players, 30-45 Minutes, 12 and older   2-4 Players, 60 Minutes, 10 and older 
 Author   Leo Colovini   Author   Stefan Feld 
 Illustrator   N/A   Illustrator   Lalanda Hruschka 
 Published by   Winning Moves, Rio Grande Games   Published by   alea 
 Developed by   Marcel Rüedi (Eibe Itu)   Developed by   Bart De Cock (be_com4) 
 Online since   2009-04-24   Online since   2019-10-12 
 BoardGameGeek  481  BoardGameGeek  245934
Carson City Cards Carson City
 4-6 Players, 30-45 Minutes, 12 and older   2-5 Players, 90-180 Minutes, 10 and older 
 Author   Xavier Georges   Author   Xavier Georges 
 Illustrator   Alexandre Roche   Illustrator   Alexandre Roche 
 Published by   Quined Games   Published by   Quined Games 
 Developed by   Bart De Cock (be_com4)   Developed by   (BloodyMary) 
 Online since   2019-01-18   Online since   2014-09-21 
 BoardGameGeek  248117  BoardGameGeek  39938
Castle Rampage Chakra
 2 Players, 15-60 Minutes, 6 and older   2-4 Players, 30 Minutes, 8 and older 
 Author   Matthias Cramer   Author   Luka Krleza 
 Illustrator   N/A   Illustrator   Claire Conan 
 Published by   Pegasus   Published by   BLAM! 
 Developed by   (Ccybrina)   Developed by   Bart De Cock (be_com4) 
 Online since   2019-09-08   Online since   2020-01-17 
 BoardGameGeek  256569  BoardGameGeek  267378
Chinagold City Blocks
 2 Players, 8 and older   2 Players, 20 Minutes, 7 and older 
 Author   Günter Cornett (Lono)   Author   J. Alan Henning (Gedd) 
 Illustrator   Bernd Natke   Illustrator   Xavier Carrascosa 
 Published by   Bambusspiele   Published by   Nestorgames 
 Developed by   Kay Wilke (Sparhawk)   Developed by   Mike Lietz (mikelietz) 
 Online since   2005-01-22   Online since   2014-02-08 
 BoardGameGeek  13928  BoardGameGeek  138195
Claim It   
 2-5 Players, 20-40 Minutes, 8 and older    
 Author   Kris Gould   Author    
 Illustrator   Mike Raabe   Illustrator    
 Published by   Wattsalpoag   Published by    
 Developed by   (BloodyMary)   Developed by    
 Online since   2019-02-16   Online since    
 BoardGameGeek  26162  BoardGameGeek    
ConHex CuBirds
 2 Players, 10 and older   1-5 players, 20 minutes, 8 years and older 
 Author   Michail Antonow   Author   Stefan Alexander 
 Illustrator   N/A   Illustrator   Kristiaan der Nederlanden 
 Published by   Clemens Gerhards KG   Published by   Catch Up Games, GamInBiz 
 Developed by   (MrLucky66)   Developed by   Bart De Cock (be_com4) 
 Online since   2009-10-20   Online since   2022-04-17 
 BoardGameGeek  10989  BoardGameGeek  245476
Down Under Dragonheart
 2-4 Players, 8 and older   2 Players, 30 Minutes, 8 and older 
 Author   Günter Cornett (Lono)   Author   Rüdiger Dorn 
 Illustrator   Ro Sato   Illustrator   Michael Menzel 
 Published by   Bambusspiele   Published by   Kosmos 
 Developed by   (MrLucky66)   Developed by   Ian Noble (ianoble), Marc Lanctot (sharky6000) 
 Online since   2008-10-17   Online since   2011-07-21 
 BoardGameGeek  32154  BoardGameGeek  66171
Drako Egizia
 2 Players, 30 Minutes, 8 and older   2-4 Players, 90 Minutes, 12 and older 
 Author   Adam Kałuża   Author   Acchittocca 
 Illustrator   Jarek Nocoń   Illustrator   Franz Vohwinkel 
 Published by, Pegasus   Published by   Hans im Glück, Rio Grande Games 
 Developed by   Bart De Cock (be_com4)   Developed by   (Brer Bear) 
 Online since   2014-02-04   Online since   2010-07-03 
 BoardGameGeek  102237  BoardGameGeek  58421
El Grande Era of Inventions
 2-5 Players, 90 Minutes, 12 and older   3-5 Players, 90 Minutes, 12 and older 
 Author   Wolfgang Kramer, Richard Ulrich   Author   Anthony Daamen 
 Illustrator   Doris Matthäus   Illustrator   Hans Janssen 
 Published by   Hans im Glück, Rio Grande Games   Published by   Quined Games, HUCH! 
 Developed by   Marc Lanctot (sharky6000)   Developed by   Marcel Rüedi (Eibe Itu) 
 Online since   2012-12-26   Online since   2011-10-16 
 BoardGameGeek  9393  BoardGameGeek  79282
Famiglia Fantasy Dice Battles
 2 Players   2 Players, 30-60 Minutes, 8 and older 
 Author   Friedemann Friese (friedemann)   Author   Aitor (ArkTheLad) 
 Illustrator   Fréderic Bertrand, Lars-Arne 'Maura' Kalusky   Illustrator   Aitor (ArkTheLad) 
 Published by   2F-Spiele, Rio Grande Games   Published by   N/A 
 Developed by   Espen Lunde (EzeBig)   Developed by   Aitor (ArkTheLad) 
 Online since   2011-06-12   Online since   2014-07-31 
 BoardGameGeek  81453  BoardGameGeek  158947
Fearsome Floors Finca
 2-5 Players, 60 Minutes, 10 and older   2-4 Players, 45 Minutes, 10 and older 
 Author   Friedemann Friese (friedemann)   Author   Ralf zur Linde (Ralfonzo), Wolfgang Sentker 
 Illustrator   Lars-Arne 'Maura' Kalusky   Illustrator   Franz Vohwinkel 
 Published by   2F-Spiele, Rio Grande Games, Tilsit   Published by   Hans im Glück, Rio Grande Games 
 Developed by   (Brer Bear)   Developed by   Kai Aust (kai96), Kay Wilke (Sparhawk) 
 Online since   2009-09-26   Online since   2009-11-21 
 BoardGameGeek  7805  BoardGameGeek  40628
Firenze First Class
 2-4 Players, 60 Minutes, 12 and older   2-4 Players, 40-80 Minutes, 10 and older 
 Author   Andreas Steding   Author   Helmut Ohley 
 Illustrator   Michael Menzel   Illustrator   Michael Menzel 
 Published by   Pegasus, Z-Man Games   Published by   Hans im Glück 
 Developed by   Dave Oleksy (faldska), Aitor (ArkTheLad)   Developed by   (BloodyMary) 
 Online since   2011-11-20   Online since   2017-08-05 
 BoardGameGeek  75449  BoardGameGeek  206941
Forum Trajanum Founding Fathers
 2-4 Players, 60-120 Minutes, 12 and older   3-5 Players, 60-120 Minutes, 13 and older 
 Author   Stefan Feld   Author   Christian Leonhard (cleonhard), Jason Matthews 
 Illustrator   Michael Menzel   Illustrator   Joshua 'Josh' Cappel 
 Published by   HUCH!   Published by   Jolly Roger Games 
 Developed by   Matthias (9M9K9)   Developed by   (Brer Bear) 
 Online since   2020-03-28   Online since   2011-06-27 
 BoardGameGeek  244049  BoardGameGeek  37358
Four in a row Glen More
 2 Players   2-5 Players, 45-70 Minutes, 10 and older 
 Author   N/A   Author   Matthias Cramer 
 Illustrator   (MrLucky66)   Illustrator   Harald Lieske, Loïc Billiau 
 Published by   N/A   Published by   alea, Ravensburger Spieleverlag, Rio Grande Games 
 Developed by   Kay Wilke (Sparhawk)   Developed by   (Brer Bear) 
 Online since   2005-05-16   Online since   2013-09-12 
 BoardGameGeek  2719  BoardGameGeek  66362
Gobang & Gomoku Grand Austria Hotel
 2 Players, 15-60 Minutes, 6 and older   2-4 players, 60-120 minutes, 12 years and older 
 Author   N/A   Author   Virginio Gigli, Simone Luciani 
 Illustrator   N/A   Illustrator   Klemens Franz 
 Published by   N/A   Published by   Lookout Games 
 Developed by   Valdas Bučinskas (Buchas), Andreas Weinhardt (aweifb)   Developed by   Jim Thompson (StCharles) 
 Online since   2020-06-27   Online since   2020-12-31 
 BoardGameGeek  11929  BoardGameGeek  182874
Ground Floor Guildhall
 1-5 Players, 120-180 Minutes, 12 and older   2-4 Players, 30-45 Minutes, 12 and older 
 Author   David Short (dshortdesign)   Author   Hope S. Hwang 
 Illustrator   Harald Lieske   Illustrator   Michael Perry, Fabio Porfidia 
 Published by   Spielworxx   Published by   Alderac Entertainment Group, Pegasus 
 Developed by   (BloodyMary)   Developed by   Marvin Schmidt (Kakuro) 
 Online since   2019-01-03   Online since   2016-12-24 
 BoardGameGeek  255659  BoardGameGeek  132372
Hacienda Hadara
 2-5 Players, 60-90 Minutes, 10 and older   2-5 Players, 45-60 Minutes, 10 and older 
 Author   Wolfgang Kramer   Author   Benjamin Schwer 
 Illustrator   Michael Menzel   Illustrator   Dominik Mayer 
 Published by   Hans im Glück, Rio Grande Games   Published by   Hans im Glück 
 Developed by   Adrian Kügel (ak15), (Stonecrusher)   Developed by   Bart De Cock (be_com4) 
 Online since   2018-07-07   Online since   2020-07-10 
 BoardGameGeek  19100  BoardGameGeek  269144
Hawaii Helios
 2-5 Players, 60 Minutes, 10 and older   2-4 Players, 60 Minutes, 10 and older 
 Author   Gregory Daigle   Author   Matthias Prinz, Martin Kallenborn 
 Illustrator   Dennis Lohausen   Illustrator   Dennis Lohausen 
 Published by   Hans im Glück, Rio Grande Games   Published by   Hans im Glück 
 Developed by   Kai Aust (kai96)   Developed by   (BloodyMary) 
 Online since   2012-08-08   Online since   2015-09-22 
 BoardGameGeek  106217  BoardGameGeek  154182
Hellas Hexxagon
 2-4 Players, 45-60 Minutes, 10 and older   2 Players 
 Author   Stefan Dorra   Author   Jason Blochowiak, Abraham Edlin 
 Illustrator   Dennis Lohausen   Illustrator   N/A 
 Published by   White Goblin Games   Published by   N/A 
 Developed by   Bart De Cock (be_com4)   Developed by   Andreas Weinhardt (aweifb) 
 Online since   2017-03-18   Online since   2006-06-24 
 BoardGameGeek  207330  BoardGameGeek  19914
Hey, that's my fish Hunters and Scouts
 2-4 Players   2 Players, 60 Minutes, 12 and older 
 Author   Alvydas Jakeliunas, Günter Cornett (Lono)   Author   Gerhard Hecht 
 Illustrator   François Bruel, Bernd Natke   Illustrator   Franz Vohwinkel 
 Published by   Phalanx Games, Bambusspiele   Published by   Kosmos 
 Developed by   Katharina (Katti)   Developed by   Adrian Kügel (ak15) 
 Online since   2007-08-19   Online since   2017-02-05 
 BoardGameGeek  8203  BoardGameGeek  161530
Imhotep-Duel Imhotep
 2 Players, 20-45 Minutes, 10 and older   2-4 Players, 40 Minutes, 10 and older 
 Author   Phil Walker-Harding   Author   Phil Walker-Harding 
 Illustrator   Claus Stephan   Illustrator   Miguel Coimbra, Michaela Schelk 
 Published by   Kosmos   Published by   Kosmos 
 Developed by   Matthias (9M9K9)   Developed by   Yannis Zoulias (Karmiris) 
 Online since   2019-04-20   Online since   2017-07-22 
 BoardGameGeek  255674  BoardGameGeek  191862
Industrial Waste Just 4 Fun Colours
 2-4 Players   2-4 Players, 8 and older 
 Author   Jürgen Strohm   Author   Jürgen P.K. Grunau (jotpeka) 
 Illustrator   Franz Vohwinkel   Illustrator   Mirko Suzuki 
 Published by   Hans im Glück, Rio Grande Games   Published by   Kosmos 
 Developed by   Franklin Lautert (flautert)   Developed by   Kai Aust (kai96) 
 Online since   2009-11-06   Online since   2010-02-03 
 BoardGameGeek  2476  BoardGameGeek  66590
Just 4 Fun Kahuna
 2-4 Players, 10 and older   2 Players, 10 and older 
 Author   Jürgen P.K. Grunau (jotpeka)   Author   Günter Cornett (Lono) 
 Illustrator   Claus Stephan, Mirko Suzuki   Illustrator   Claus Stephan, Anke Pohl, Thilo Rick 
 Published by   Kosmos   Published by   Kosmos, Rio Grande Games, Tilsit 
 Developed by   Harald Treis (keldron)   Developed by   Kay Wilke (Sparhawk) 
 Online since   2006-11-04   Online since   2004-10-01 
 BoardGameGeek  17534  BoardGameGeek  394
Kamisado Kanaloa
 2 Players, 10 and older   3-4 Players, 10 and older 
 Author   Peter Burley   Author   Günter Cornett (Lono) 
 Illustrator   Peter Dennis, Neil Merryweather   Illustrator   Carsten Fuhrmann, Christof Tisch 
 Published by   Burley Games, HUCH!   Published by   Bambusspiele, Tilsit 
 Developed by   Marcel Rüedi (Eibe Itu)   Developed by   Andreas Weinhardt (aweifb) 
 Online since   2009-12-05   Online since   2006-12-12 
 BoardGameGeek  38545  BoardGameGeek  4330
Kategorie Brettspiel Strategische Spiel Kategorie Brettspiel
Short Description Denk-Spiel, bei dem die figuren unblockiert geradeaus und diagonal vorwärts gezogen werden, als Ziel ist die Grundlinie des gegners zu erreichen. Im gegensatz zum schach betstimmt des Zielfeld des vorigen Gegnerzuges, welche Figur man ziehen muß. Das Spiel wird in Runden gespielt bis die vereinbahrten Punkte erreicht sind. In späteren runden kommen noch einschränkungen und Sonderfähigkeiten (sumo-push) hinzu. Short Description Kanaloa ist ein klassische Mehrheitenspiel. Kern des spiels ist es durch Ausspielen von Karten Brücken zwischen den Inseln zu bauen. Das Spiel wird in Runden gespielt bis dei Nachziehstapel 2-mal durchgespielt wurde + EndDurchgang. Nach jedem Kartennachzieh werden die Brückenmehrheiten gewertet. Am Ende gibt es noch eine Schlusswertung. Der Spieler mit den meisten Siegpunkte am Ende gewinnt.
Kashgar Key Harvest
 2-4 Players, 60 Minutes, 12 and older   2-4 players, 10 years and older 
 Author   Gerhard Hecht   Author   Richard Breese 
 Illustrator   Franz Vohwinkel   Illustrator   Juliet Breese 
 Published by   Kosmos   Published by   R&D Games 
 Developed by   Aitor (ArkTheLad), Mike Lietz (mikelietz)   Developed by   Craig Chaney (coastliner) 
 Online since   2015-09-15   Online since   2021-03-01 
 BoardGameGeek  143175  BoardGameGeek  29839
King of Siam La Granja
 2-3 Players, 30-60 Minutes, 12 and older   2-4 Players, 90-120 Minutes, 12 and older 
 Author   Peer Sylvester   Author   Andreas Odendahl (ode), Michael Keller 
 Illustrator   Richard Stubenvoll, Andreas Töpfer   Illustrator   Harald Lieske 
 Published by   Histogame   Published by   Stronghold Games, Spielworxx 
 Developed by   (Brer Bear)   Developed by   Ezra McNichols (storm1850) 
 Online since   2011-09-18   Online since   2020-02-29 
 BoardGameGeek  29937  BoardGameGeek  146886
La Granja No Siesta La Isla
 2-4 players, 30-45 minutes, 10 years and older   2-4 Players, 30-60 Minutes, 8 and older 
 Author   Andreas Odendahl (ode.)   Author   Stefan Feld 
 Illustrator   Harald Lieske   Illustrator   Alexander Jung 
 Published by   Stronghold Games   Published by   Ravensburger Spieleverlag, alea 
 Developed by   Ezra McNichols (storm1850)   Developed by   Adrian Kügel (ak15) 
 Online since   2021-01-30   Online since   2015-09-26 
 BoardGameGeek  195528  BoardGameGeek  154246
Las Vegas Lemminge
 2-6 Players, 30-75 Minutes, 8 and older   2-5 Players, 8 and older 
 Author   Rüdiger Dorn   Author   Sebastian Bleasdale (SebastianB) 
 Illustrator   Harald Lieske, Mia Steingräber   Illustrator   Loïc Billiau 
 Published by   Ravensburger Spieleverlag, alea   Published by   AMIGO Spiel + Freizeit GmbH 
 Developed by   Frank (fabo12)   Developed by   (Stonecrusher) 
 Online since   2016-12-18   Online since   2020-11-20 
 BoardGameGeek  117959  BoardGameGeek  153004
Lift Off Lords of War
 2-4 players, 60-120 minutes, 12 years and older   2 Players, 8 and older 
 Author   Jeroen Vandersteen   Author   Martin Vaux, Nick Street 
 Illustrator   Kreativbunker, Nache Ramos, Andreas Resch   Illustrator   Steve Cox 
 Published by   Hans im Glück, Z-Man Games   Published by   Black Box Games Publishing 
 Developed by   Matthias(9M9K9)   Developed by   (Stonecrusher) 
 Online since   2021-01-16   Online since   2016-07-29 
 BoardGameGeek  260757  BoardGameGeek  144988
Kategorie Brettspiel Strategische Spiel
Short Description TBD
Lorenzo Luna
 2-4 Players, 60-120 Minutes, 12 and older   2-4 Players, 50-100 Minutes, 12 and older 
 Author   Virginio Gigli, Flaminia Brasini, Simone Luciani   Author   Stefan Feld 
 Illustrator   Klemens Franz   Illustrator   Klemens Franz 
 Published by   Cranio Creations   Published by   Hall Games 
 Developed by   Bart De Cock (be_com4)   Developed by   Kai Aust (kai96) 
 Online since   2020-12-04   Online since   2011-08-21 
 BoardGameGeek  203993  BoardGameGeek  70512
Kategorie Brettspiel Strategische Spiel Kartenspiel Card Drafting Mechanismus
Short Description Lorenzo ist ein Workerplacemnent Spiel mit interessanten Mechanismen. TBD
Macao Machi Koro
 2-4 Players, 50-100 Minutes, 12 and older   2-4 Players, 30-90 Minutes, 8 and older 
 Author   Stefan Feld   Author   Masao Suganuma 
 Illustrator   Julien Delval, Harald Lieske   Illustrator   Noboru Hotta 
 Published by   alea, Ravensburger Spieleverlag, Rio Grande Games, White Goblin Games   Published by   Kosmos 
 Developed by   Jim Thompson (StCharles), Henrik Larsson (MNeMiC)   Developed by   (Ccybrina) 
 Online since   2018-04-14   Online since   2019-03-24 
 BoardGameGeek  55670  BoardGameGeek  143884
Maori Masons
 2-4 Players, 30-45 Minutes, 8 and older   2-4 Players, 8 and older 
 Author   Günter Burkhardt   Author   Leo Colovini 
 Illustrator   Michael Menzel, Harald Lieske   Illustrator   Franz Vohwinkel 
 Published by   Hans im Glück, Rio Grande Games   Published by   Hans im Glück, Rio Grande Games 
 Developed by   Kai Aust (kai96)   Developed by   Kay Wilke (Sparhawk) 
 Online since   2010-04-26   Online since   2006-11-27 
 BoardGameGeek  40425  BoardGameGeek  21791
Morris Mottainai
 2 Players   2-5 Players, 10-30 Minutes, 13 years and older 
 Author   N/A   Author   Carl Chudyk 
 Illustrator   N/A   Illustrator   Alanna Cervenak 
 Published by   N/A   Published by   Asmadi Games 
 Developed by   Kay Wilke (Sparhawk)   Developed by   (Watno) 
 Online since   2005-04-17   Online since   2021-08-01 
 BoardGameGeek  3886  BoardGameGeek  175199
Mount Drago Murano
 2-5 Players, 30-45 Minutes, 8 and older   2-4 Players, 60-75 Minutes, 10 and older 
 Author   Leo Colovini   Author   Inka Brand, Markus Brand 
 Illustrator   Kerem Beyit, Anne Pätzke   Illustrator   Klemens Franz 
 Published by   Schmidt Spiele   Published by   Lookout Games 
 Developed by   Martijn van der Vlag (Misth)   Developed by   Jim Thompson (StCharles) 
 Online since   2013-03-18   Online since   2021-06-12 
 BoardGameGeek  89918  BoardGameGeek  163413
Mystic Vale Nations: The Dice Game
 2-4 Players, 45-60 Minutes, 14 and older   2-4 Players, 20-40 Minutes, 14 and older 
 Author   John D. Clair (JohnDClair)   Author   Rustan Håkansson (Rustan) 
 Illustrator   N/A   Illustrator   Ossi Hiekkala, Jere Kasanen, Paul Laane, Frida Lögdberg 
 Published by   Alderac Entertainment Group, Pegasus   Published by 
 Developed by   (BloodyMary)   Developed by   (Stonecrusher) 
 Online since   2018-03-03   Online since   2015-07-04 
 BoardGameGeek  194607  BoardGameGeek  157809
Nauticus Navegador
 2-4 Players, 90 Minutes, 12 and older   2-5 Players, 60-90 Minutes, 12 and older 
 Author   Michael Kiesling, Wolfgang Kramer   Author   Mac Gerdts 
 Illustrator   Alexander Jung   Illustrator   Marina Fahrenbach, Mac Gerdts 
 Published by   Kosmos   Published by   PD-Verlag 
 Developed by   Kai Aust (kai96)   Developed by   Adrian Kügel (ak15) 
 Online since   2014-01-03   Online since   2017-08-17 
 BoardGameGeek  144415  BoardGameGeek  66589
On the Underground One-Eye
 2-5 players, 45-60 minutes, 14 years and older   2-5 Players, 30-45 Minutes, 10 and older 
 Author   Sebastian Bleasdale (SebastianB)   Author   Wolfgang Kramer, Michael Kiesling 
 Illustrator   Viktor Csete   Illustrator   Eckhard Freytag, Markus Wagner 
 Published by   LudiCreations   Published by   AMIGO Spiel + Freizeit GmbH 
 Developed by   (Stonecrusher)   Developed by   Kai Aust (kai96), Kay Wilke (Sparhawk) 
 Online since   2021-03-20   Online since   2009-12-23 
 BoardGameGeek  281152  BoardGameGeek  40234
Oracle of Delphi Oregon
 2-4 Players, 70-100 Minutes, 12 and older   2-4 Players, 45 Minutes, 8 and older 
 Author   Stefan Feld   Author   Åse Berg (oregon), Henrik Berg (aseoghenrik) 
 Illustrator   Dennis Lohausen   Illustrator   Franz Vohwinkel 
 Published by   Hall Games, Pegasus   Published by   Hans im Glück, Rio Grande Games 
 Developed by   (Stonecrusher)   Developed by   (Brer Bear) 
 Online since   2019-02-01   Online since   2008-11-16 
 BoardGameGeek  193558  BoardGameGeek  31497
Othello Packet Row
 2 Players   2-5 Players, 45-75 Minutes, 10 and older 
 Author   John W. Mollett, Lewis Waterman   Author   Åse Berg (oregon), Henrik Berg (aseoghenrik) 
 Illustrator   (MrLucky66)   Illustrator   Michael Menzel 
 Published by   N/A   Published by   Pegasus, White Goblin Games 
 Developed by   Harald Treis (keldron)   Developed by   Yannis Zoulias (Karmiris) 
 Online since   2005-09-09   Online since   2016-11-06 
 BoardGameGeek  2389  BoardGameGeek  144492
Pandoria Pax Porfiriana
 2-4 Players, 90-120 Minutes, 10 and older   2-5 Players, 120 Minutes, 12 and older 
 Author   Jeffrey Allers, Bernd Eisenstein   Author   Phil Eklund, Matt Eklund, Jim Gutt 
 Illustrator   Christian Opperer, Lukas Siegmon   Illustrator   Phil Eklund 
 Published by   Irongames   Published by   Sierra Madre Games, Ion Game Design, Ediciones MasQueOca 
 Developed by   Jim Thompson (StCharles)   Developed by   (Brer Bear) 
 Online since   2020-07-26   Online since   2017-01-01 
 BoardGameGeek  248167  BoardGameGeek  128780
Pergamon Polis
 2-4 Players, 45 Minutes, 10 and older   2 Players, 90-120 Minutes, 12 and older 
 Author   Stefan Dorra, Ralf zur Linde (Ralfonzo)   Author   Fran Diaz 
 Illustrator   Klemens Franz   Illustrator   Marek Rutkowski, Walter Velez, Hans-Georg Schneider 
 Published by   Eggert Spiele   Published by   Asylum Games, Pegasus 
 Developed by   (Kozak)   Developed by   Frank (fabo12) 
 Online since   2011-09-03   Online since   2015-11-21 
 BoardGameGeek  90040  BoardGameGeek  69779
Pompeii Ponte del Diavolo
 2-4 Players, 45 Minutes, 10 and older   2 Players 
 Author   Klaus-Jürgen Wrede   Author   Martin Ebel (Martin Ebel) 
 Illustrator   Oliver Freudenreich, Guido Hoffmann   Illustrator   Julien Delval, Christof Tisch 
 Published by   AMIGO Spiel + Freizeit GmbH   Published by   Hans im Glück, Rio Grande Games 
 Developed by   Kay Wilke (Sparhawk)   Developed by   Kay Wilke (Sparhawk) 
 Online since   2009-08-30   Online since   2007-07-06 
 BoardGameGeek  13004  BoardGameGeek  27172
Port Royal Praga
 2-5 Players, 20-50 Minutes, 8 and older   1-4 Players, 30-120 Minutes, 12 and older 
 Author   Alexander Pfister (prpr)   Author   Vladimír Suchý (Vladimirs) 
 Illustrator   Klemens Franz   Illustrator   Milan Vavroň 
 Published by   Pegasus   Published by   Delicious Games 
 Developed by   Adrian Kügel (ak15)   Developed by   (BloodyMary) 
 Online since   2014-10-19   Online since   2021-07-10 
 BoardGameGeek  156009  BoardGameGeek  308765
   Puerto Rico (Cards)
 2-4 Players, 45-60 Minutes, 10 and older 
 Author      Author   Andreas Seyfarth 
 Illustrator      Illustrator   Harald Lieske, Mia Steingräber 
 Published by      Published by   alea 
 Developed by      Developed by   Bart De Cock (be_com4) 
 Online since      Online since   2018-07-15 
 BoardGameGeek      BoardGameGeek  166669
 2 Players, 2-8 Minutes, 7 and older   2-5 Players, 20 Minutes, 8 and older 
 Author   Klaus Burmester (Klaus10)   Author   Susumu Kawasaki 
 Illustrator   Arnold Reisse   Illustrator   Klemens Franz 
 Published by   QANGO   Published by   AMIGO Spiel + Freizeit GmbH, Z-Man Games 
 Developed by   Tom Powers (mregamr)   Developed by   Mike Lietz (mikelietz) 
 Online since   2019-09-28   Online since   2013-09-27 
 BoardGameGeek  200632  BoardGameGeek  15290
Race Rajas of the Ganges
 1-4 Players, 10-30 Minutes, 6 and older   2-4 Players, 45-75 Minutes, 12 and older 
 Author   Adrian Kügel (ak15)   Author   Inka Brand, Markus Brand 
 Illustrator   Sandra Kügel (SanSan)   Illustrator   Dennis Lohausen 
 Published by   N/A   Published by   HUCH! 
 Developed by   Adrian Kügel (ak15)   Developed by   (BloodyMary) 
 Online since   2016-05-26   Online since   2018-09-09 
 BoardGameGeek  202375  BoardGameGeek  220877
RajasDice Rapa Nui
 2-5 Players, 45 Minutes, 12 and older   2-4 Players, 40 Minutes, 10 and older 
 Author   Inka Brand, Markus Brand   Author   Klaus-Jürgen Wrede 
 Illustrator   Dennis Lohausen   Illustrator   Katja Miller 
 Published by   HUCH!   Published by   Kosmos 
 Developed by   (BloodyMary)   Developed by   Joe Conard (DuckofDeathV) 
 Online since   2020-11-08   Online since   2012-05-06 
 BoardGameGeek  318553  BoardGameGeek  103132
Rattus Red7
 2-4 Players, 45 Minutes, 10 and older   2-4 Players, 5-30 Minutes, 9 and older 
 Author   Åse Berg (oregon), Henrik Berg (aseoghenrik)   Author   Carl Chudyk, Chris Cieslik 
 Illustrator   Alexandre Roche   Illustrator   Alanna Cervenak 
 Published by   White Goblin Games, Z-Man Games   Published by   Asmadi Games 
 Developed by   (Brer Bear)   Developed by   Bart De Cock (be_com4) 
 Online since   2012-09-11   Online since   2019-12-01 
 BoardGameGeek  42452  BoardGameGeek  161417
Richelieu Roll through the Ages
 2-4 Players, 45 Minutes, 12 and older   2-4 Players, 30-45 Minutes, 8 and older 
 Author   Michael Schacht (mschacht)   Author   Matt Leacock (mleacock) 
 Illustrator   Oliver Freudenreich   Illustrator   Claus Stephan, Marko Fiedler, Hans Schneider 
 Published by   Michael Schacht Spiele, Ravensburger Spieleverlag   Published by   FRED Distribution, Pegasus 
 Developed by   Kai Aust (kai96)   Developed by   Kai Aust (kai96) 
 Online since   2008-05-18   Online since   2010-09-16 
 BoardGameGeek  5795  BoardGameGeek  37380
Rose King Russian Railroads
 2 Players, 30-60 Minutes, 10 and older   1-4 Players, 90-120 Minutes, 12 and older 
 Author   Dirk Henn   Author   Helmut Ohley, Leonhard 'Lonny' Orgler 
 Illustrator   Andreas Steiner   Illustrator   Martin Hoffmann, Claus Stephan 
 Published by   Kosmos   Published by   Hans im Glück 
 Developed by   (BloodyMary)   Developed by   (BloodyMary) 
 Online since   2019-02-23   Online since   2016-02-21 
 BoardGameGeek  201  BoardGameGeek  144733
Saint Petersburg Santa Cruz
 2-4 Players, 10 and older   2-4 Players, 30 Minutes, 8 and older 
 Author   Bernd Brunnhofer   Author   Marcel-André Casasola Merkle 
 Illustrator   Doris Matthäus   Illustrator   Michael Menzel 
 Published by   Hans im Glück, Rio Grande Games   Published by   Hans im Glück 
 Developed by   Kay Wilke (Sparhawk)   Developed by   Frank (fabo12) 
 Online since   2007-08-04   Online since   2014-04-23 
 BoardGameGeek  9217  BoardGameGeek  118610
Santiago de Cuba Schweinebande
 2-4 Players, 50 Minutes, 10 and older   2-5 Players, 30 Minutes, 8 and older 
 Author   Michael Rieneck   Author   Stefan Dorra 
 Illustrator   Michael Menzel   Illustrator   Doris Matthäus 
 Published by   Eggert Spiele, Pegasus   Published by   Hans im Glück 
 Developed by   Kai Aust (kai96)   Developed by   (BloodyMary) 
 Online since   2012-01-13   Online since   2014-01-25 
 BoardGameGeek  104347  BoardGameGeek  64675
Sekigahara Shanghaien
 2 Players, 180 Minutes, 12 and older   2 Players, 20 Minutes, 8 and older 
 Author   Matt Calkins   Author   Roman Pelek (Roman), Michael Schacht (mschacht) 
 Illustrator   Rodger B. MacGowan, Mark Mahaffey   Illustrator   Christian Fiore 
 Published by   GMT Games LLC   Published by   AbacusSpiele 
 Developed by   (Brer Bear)   Developed by   (MrLucky66) 
 Online since   2017-10-03   Online since   2011-03-25 
 BoardGameGeek  25021  BoardGameGeek  34320
Six Skyline
 2 Players, 8 and older   2-4 Players, 15 Minutes, 10 and older 
 Author   Steffen Mühlhäuser   Author   David Short (dshortdesign) 
 Illustrator   Steffen Mühlhäuser, Bernhard Kümmelmann   Illustrator   Gavan Brown, David Short (dshortdesign) 
 Published by   Steffen-Spiele   Published by   Tasty Ministrel Games 
 Developed by   Franklin Lautert (flautert)   Developed by   Mike Lietz (mikelietz) 
 Online since   2009-03-01   Online since   2013-11-15 
 BoardGameGeek  20195  BoardGameGeek  121423
Snowdonia Sobek
 1-5 Players, 30-90 Minutes, 10 and older   2-4 Players, 30-40 Minutes, 8 and older 
 Author   Tony Boydell (tonyboydell)   Author   Bruno Cathala 
 Illustrator   Tony Boydell (tonyboydell), Klemens Franz, Charlie Paull   Illustrator   Mathieu Beaulieu 
 Published by   Asmodee, Indie Boards & Cards, Lookout Games, Surprised Stare Games Ltd, edizioni   Published by   GameWorks Sàrl 
 Developed by   Adrian Kügel (ak15)   Developed by   Carsten (soccerking), Henrike (KleinesK), Adrian Kügel (ak15) 
 Online since   2019-12-15   Online since   2012-01-27 
 BoardGameGeek  119432  BoardGameGeek  67185
Space Mission Spexxx
 2-5 Players   2-4 Players, 30 Minutes, 8 and older 
 Author   Matt Worden   Author   Ruben Dijkstra, Ruurd Lammers 
 Illustrator   Anne Pätzke   Illustrator   Choi Wan Lee 
 Published by   Schmidt Spiele   Published by   Waterfall Games 
 Developed by   Espen Lunde (EzeBig)   Developed by   Bart De Cock (be_com4) 
 Online since   2012-02-10   Online since   2016-11-26 
 BoardGameGeek  105199  BoardGameGeek  150580
Steamrollers Sticky Fingers
 1-5 Players, 30-45 Minutes, 10 and older   2-5 Players, 8 and older 
 Author   Mark Gerrits (runkst)   Author   Christian Fiore, Knut Happel 
 Illustrator   Benjamin Benéteau   Illustrator   Claus Stephan, Hans-Georg Schneider 
 Published by   Flatlined Games   Published by   Pegasus 
 Developed by   Craig Chaney (coastliner)   Developed by   Kim Temming (Dangerous Beans) 
 Online since   2020-05-02   Online since   2011-10-01 
 BoardGameGeek  182704  BoardGameGeek  58329
Stone Age Storm
 2-4 Players, 60-90 Minutes, 10 and older   2 Players, 15-60 Minutes, 10 and older 
 Author   Bernd Brunnhofer   Author   Franklin Lautert (flautert) 
 Illustrator   Michael Menzel   Illustrator   N/A 
 Published by   Hans im Glück, Rio Grande Games   Published by   N/A 
 Developed by   Kai Aust (kai96)   Developed by   Franklin Lautert (flautert) 
 Online since   2009-07-01   Online since   2019-06-13 
 BoardGameGeek  34635  BoardGameGeek  279332
Sudoku Moyo Tally Ho!
 2 Players, 30 Minutes, 12 and older   2 Players, 40 Minutes, 8 and older 
 Author   Günter Cornett (Lono)   Author   Rudi Hoffmann 
 Illustrator   N/A   Illustrator   Franz Vohwinkel 
 Published by   Intellego|Holzspiele   Published by   Kosmos, Rio Grande Games 
 Developed by   Andreas Weinhardt (aweifb)   Developed by   Kay Wilke (Sparhawk) 
 Online since   2008-11-01   Online since   2008-02-17 
 BoardGameGeek  31117  BoardGameGeek  908
Targi Terra Mystica
 2 Players, 60 Minutes, 12 and older   2-5 Players, 60-150 Minutes, 12 and older 
 Author   Andreas Steiger   Author   Jens Drögemüller, Helge Ostertag 
 Illustrator   Franz Vohwinkel   Illustrator   Dennis Lohausen 
 Published by   Kosmos, Z-Man Games   Published by   Feuerland Spiele 
 Developed by   Kai Aust (kai96)   Developed by   (BloodyMary) 
 Online since   2013-01-10   Online since   2018-06-03 
 BoardGameGeek  118048  BoardGameGeek  120677
The Castles of Burgundy (Cards) The Castles of Burgundy
 1-4 Players, 20-45 Minutes, 12 and older   2-4 Players, 30-90 Minutes, 12 and older 
 Author   Stefan Feld   Author   Stefan Feld 
 Illustrator   Julien Delval, Harald Lieske   Illustrator   Julien Delval, Harald Lieske 
 Published by   alea   Published by   Ravensburger Spieleverlag, alea 
 Developed by   Bart De Cock (be_com4)   Developed by   Bart De Cock (be_com4) 
 Online since   2016-07-29   Online since   2014-08-30 
 BoardGameGeek  191977  BoardGameGeek  84876
The Great City of Rome The Hanging Gardens
 2-4 Players, 60 Minutes, 10 and older   2-4 Players, 45 Minutes, 8 and older 
 Author   Matthew Dunstan, Brett J. Gilbert   Author   Din Li 
 Illustrator   Martin Hoffmann, Claus Stephan   Illustrator   Harald Lieske 
 Published by   AbacusSpiele, Z-Man Games   Published by   Hans im Glück, Rio Grande Games 
 Developed by   Adrian Kügel (ak15)   Developed by   Adrian Kügel (ak15) 
 Online since   2019-03-03   Online since   2012-03-10 
 BoardGameGeek  258466  BoardGameGeek  34707
The Palaces of Carrara The Speicherstadt
 2-4 Players, 60 Minutes, 10 and older   2-5 Players, 45 Minutes, 8 and older 
 Author   Michael Kiesling, Wolfgang Kramer   Author   Stefan Feld 
 Illustrator   Franz Vohwinkel   Illustrator   Harald Lieske, Michael Menzel 
 Published by   Hans im Glück, Z-Man Games, White Goblin Games   Published by   Eggert Spiele, Z-Man Games 
 Developed by   Francesco Testini (XiaoYi), Huachong Zhuang (Yanlanqi)   Developed by   (Brer Bear) 
 Online since   2014-08-16   Online since   2010-10-24 
 BoardGameGeek  129948  BoardGameGeek  66505
The Voyages of Marco Polo Thunderstone
 2-4 Players   2-5 Players, 60 Minutes, 12 and older 
 Author   Simone Luciani, Daniele Tascini   Author   Mike Elliott 
 Illustrator   Dennis Lohausen   Illustrator   Jason Engle 
 Published by   Hans im Glück   Published by   Pegasus, Alderac Entertainment Group 
 Developed by   Bart De Cock (be_com4)   Developed by   Aitor (ArkTheLad) 
 Online since   2015-12-05   Online since   2011-08-04 
 BoardGameGeek  171623  BoardGameGeek  53953
Thurn and Taxis To Court the King
 2-4 Players, 30-45 Minutes, 10 and older   2-4 Players, 45 Minutes, 10 and older 
 Author   Karen Seyfarth, Andreas Seyfarth   Author   Tom Lehmann 
 Illustrator   Michael Menzel   Illustrator   Volkan Baga 
 Published by   Hans im Glück, Rio Grande Games, Spielbox   Published by   AMIGO Spiel + Freizeit GmbH, Rio Grande Games 
 Developed by   Jim Thompson (StCharles)   Developed by   Aitor (ArkTheLad) 
 Online since   2010-05-08   Online since   2013-08-03 
 BoardGameGeek  21790  BoardGameGeek  21632
Torres Transatlantic
 2-4 Players, 60 Minutes, 12 and older   2-4 Players, 60-120 Minutes, 12 and older 
 Author   Michael Kiesling, Wolfgang Kramer   Author   Mac Gerdts 
 Illustrator   Alessandra Cimatoribus, Franz Vohwinkel   Illustrator   Dominik Mayer 
 Published by   AbacusSpiele, Rio Grande Games   Published by   PD-Verlag 
 Developed by   Marc Lanctot (sharky6000)   Developed by   Tom Powers (mregamr) 
 Online since   2011-12-26   Online since   2020-04-10 
 BoardGameGeek  88  BoardGameGeek  163805
Trias Twin Tin Bots
 2-5 Players, 12 and older   2-6 Players, 50 Minutes, 13 and older 
 Author   Ralf Lehmkuhl   Author   Philippe Keyaerts 
 Illustrator   Doris Matthäus, Mark Poole   Illustrator   Kwanchai Moriya 
 Published by   Gecko Games   Published by   Flatlined Games 
 Developed by   Marcel Rüedi (Eibe Itu)   Developed by   (Stonecrusher) 
 Online since   2011-02-26   Online since   2014-10-04 
 BoardGameGeek  4249  BoardGameGeek  126239
Two by Two Tyrus
 2-4 Players, 8 and older   2 Players, 30 Minutes, 12 and older 
 Author   Rob Bartel (RobBartel)   Author   Laurent Escoffier, David Franck 
 Illustrator   Patrick LaMontagne, Mark Poole   Illustrator   Jérome Caproni 
 Published by   Valley games   Published by   Eurogames 
 Developed by   Aitor (ArkTheLad)   Developed by   Kai Aust (kai96) 
 Online since   2011-01-25   Online since   2009-02-25 
 BoardGameGeek  66608  BoardGameGeek  10520
Ulm Underwater Cities
 2-4 Players, 45-75 Minutes, 10 and older   1-4 Players, 80-150 Minutes, 12 and older 
 Author   Günter Burkhardt   Author   Vladimír Suchý (Vladimirs) 
 Illustrator   Michael Menzel   Illustrator   Uildrim, Milan Vavroň 
 Published by   HUCH!   Published by   Delicious Games, Rio Grande Games 
 Developed by   Adrian Kügel (ak15)   Developed by   Adrian Kügel (ak15), Tom Powers (mregamr) 
 Online since   2018-12-16   Online since   2020-18-12 
 BoardGameGeek  191876  BoardGameGeek  247763
VOLT Valletta
 1-4 Players, 30-45 Minutes, 10 and older   2-4 Players, 40-80 Minutes, 10 and older 
 Author   Emerson Matsuuchi   Author   Stefan Dorra 
 Illustrator   Annika Brüning, Marina Fahrenbach, Steven Hamilton   Illustrator   Klemens Franz 
 Published by   HeidelBÄR Games   Published by   Hans im Glück, Z-Man Games 
 Developed by   (Stonecrusher)   Developed by   Yannis Zoulias (Karmiris) 
 Online since   2020-03-14   Online since   2018-08-18 
 BoardGameGeek  211454  BoardGameGeek  218920
 2-4 Players, 60 Minutes, 10 and older    
 Author   Michael Kiesling   Author    
 Illustrator   Michael Menzel, Harald Lieske   Illustrator    
 Published by   Hans im Glück, Rio Grande Games   Published by    
 Developed by   Kai Aust (kai96), John Crawford (lostdog)   Developed by    
 Online since   2008-09-25   Online since    
 BoardGameGeek  27173  BoardGameGeek    
Villagers Vinci
 1-5 Players, 30-60 Minutes, 10 and older   2-5 Players, 90 Minutes, 14 and older 
 Author   Haakon Hoel Gaarder   Author   Philippe Keyaerts 
 Illustrator   Haakon Hoel Gaarder   Illustrator   Philippe Keyaerts 
 Published by   Sinister Fish Games   Published by   Jeux Descartes 
 Developed by   (mortymaxwell)   Developed by   Aitor (ArkTheLad), Kay Wilke (Sparhawk) 
 Online since   2021-06-27   Online since   2013-04-13 
 BoardGameGeek  241724  BoardGameGeek  60
Völuspá War Chest
 2-5 Players, 45 Minutes, 10 and older   2 Players, 30-60 Minutes, 14 and older 
 Author   Scott Caputo   Author   Trevor Benjamin, David Thompson 
 Illustrator   Pierre Lechevalier   Illustrator   Brigette Indelicato 
 Published by   White Goblin Games, Stronghold Games   Published by   Alderac Entertainment Group 
 Developed by   (Stonecrusher)   Developed by   Craig Chaney (coastliner) 
 Online since   2013-10-18   Online since   2020-06-13 
 BoardGameGeek  128554  BoardGameGeek  249259
Way of the Dragon Yspahan
 2-5 Players, 30 Minutes, 7 and older   2-4 Players, 45-60 Minutes, 8 and older 
 Author   Nestor Romeral Andres   Author   Sébastien Pauchon (s.pauchon) 
 Illustrator   Carlos Aliaga   Illustrator   Arnaud Demaegd, Cyril Demaegd, Mike Doyle 
 Published by   Nestorgames   Published by   Ystari, HUCH!, Rio Grande Games 
 Developed by   Aitor (ArkTheLad)   Developed by   Kay Wilke (Sparhawk), (Brer Bear) 
 Online since   2014-12-18   Online since   2009-03-29 
 BoardGameGeek  67609  BoardGameGeek  22345
Yucata Zola
 2-4 Players, 15-30 Minutes, 5 and older   2 Players 
 Author   Stefan Dorra   Author   Mark Steere 
 Illustrator   Franz Vohwinkel   Illustrator    
 Published by   Hans im Glück   Published by   Mark Steere Games 
 Developed by   (BloodyMary), Kay Wilke (Sparhawk)   Developed by   (Stonecrusher) 
 Online since   2015-10-16   Online since   2021-08-13 
 BoardGameGeek  434  BoardGameGeek  331666
Zooloretto the dice game   
 2-4 Players, 5-15 Minutes, 7 and older    
 Author   Michael Schacht (mschacht)   Author    
 Illustrator   Design/Main   Illustrator    
 Published by   AbacusSpiele   Published by    
 Developed by   Marcel Rüedi (Eibe Itu)   Developed by    
 Online since   2012-03-26   Online since    
 BoardGameGeek  117942  BoardGameGeek