→ summary
→ detailed version

1 double-sided game board
4 double-sided player boards
Front: Moon side
Back: Belt side
Front: Standard side
Back: Luna side
5 double-sided company tracks
Each side shows a different track and has an ID
made up of a letter and a number (A1 to E2).
44 action cards
5 track cards
36 starting action cards
(9 per player:
4 single-energy cards
4 bonus tiles
10 starting research tokens
8 ON/OFF markers
Front: ON side
Back: OFF side
72 research plans
24 A-research plans 24 B-research plans 24 C-research plans
Front Back
Front Back
Front Back
6 special research plans
60 CrypCoin
60 outposts
(15 per company)
4 helium-3
4 upload
4 overview sheets
Additional components
For playing with the module
“Mission cards” (see Module: Mission cards):
12 one-time bonus markers
(3 per player)
6 mission cards
Mission Card mission status
Below you find the setup and rules for the basic game of Skymines, which is played on the Moon side of the board.
Your goal is to earn the most CrypCoin by investing resources in the 4 companies and by spreading their outposts across the Moon.
By investing resources, you increase the number of shares you hold in a company and by spreading that company’s outposts, you
increase the value of each of its shares. Also, you can improve your earnings by storing helium-3 on your tank track and by uploading
the research of your research track.
During the game, you gain CrypCoin in cash, which you
mostly use to pay for certain actions.
The main portion of CrypCoin, however, you earn at the
end of the game.
Then your wealth is calculated by summing:
The player with highest total wins the game.
Skymines is played over 7 rounds .
Each round consists of 3 phases:
1) Planning phase
2) Action phase
3) Preparation phase for the next round
After the Action phase of round 7,
the game ends with a Final scoring phase. see
Note: The current round is always indicated by the
highest large white number on the round track.
At the start of the game, the first round track
space is empty to indicate the first round.
In subsequent rounds, the new round will be
indicated by flipping the next special research plan
face up (during phase 3).
The Planning phase is carried out by all players simultaneously and comprises 2 steps:
a) Each player plans their Action phase by placing cards face down in their action area
b) All players turn their placed cards face up
a) Place cards face down in your action area
Each player: Choose cards from your hand and place them face down in the available
action slots of your action area (the area below your player board).
Note: You will use the cards in your action area during the Action phase. Thus, the
cards you place will determine to a certain extent which actions you can perform
see here for details of the cards and their actions.)
At the start of the game, you have
3 action slots
available (the 3 slots marked “ON”
at the bottom of your player board).
Each available action slot can hold 1 card. Therefore, you can place up to 3 cards.
Later in the game, you may switch on one or even two
additional action
by reaching certain spaces on your tank track and your research
track (see Special spaces of the player boards).
As each switched-on slot lets you place a card, you
could place up to 5 cards if you had switched on both additional action
Be aware, that the cards that you use in a round won’t be available to you again for a while: at
the end of your action phase, you must move each card from its action slot to a different one of
your resting slots.
The cards that gather in each resting slot are called a resting deck. They are
inactive and cannot be used until they are recovered. However, each round, you can only return
one resting deck to your hand (see Drop out of action phase).
Note: For a more challenging
variant, in which each action
slot is linked to the resting
slot in the same vertical line, see Gameplay variant: Linked slots.
b) Flip cards face up
Once all players are finished placing cards, everyone flips their cards face up.
The player with the first player marker begins the Action phase by taking one turn.
Then the player to their left takes one turn, then the next player and so on. In this
manner, the Action phase proceeds turn by turn in a clockwise direction until all
players have dropped out of the Action phase.
When it is your turn, you must perform exactly ONE of the following actions:
1) Use 1 or more resource cards of a single type in your action area
2) Use all energy cards in your action area
3) Use 1 research scientist card in your action area
4) Use 1 field scientist card in your action area
5) Place 1 bonus marker see
6) Drop out of Action phase see
Once all players have performed the “Drop out of Action phase” action, the Action phase ends.
The cards you placed in the Planning phase determine what
actions are available to you in the Action phase.
Example: On her turn, Lin cannot perform the “Use
all energy cards” action
as she has not placed any
energy cards in her action
area. (The energy cards
in her resting slots do not
count, because they are
After you have used a card for an action, you must flip
it face down (to indicate that you have used it).
Flipped cards cannot be used again this round.
Example: After using her research scientist card, Lin flips it face down.
With this action, you can acquire a new card from the card display and advance your markers on the company tracks.
To perform this action, choose from your action area
any number of face up resource cards of the same type (carbon,
minerals or titanium). You must choose at least
one card, irrespective of how many resource cards of
this type you have and which value each of them shows.
The values of your chosen cards add up to form your resource value, which you must use to:
To perform this action,
could use:
the single 2-unit titanium card
the single 3-unit titanium card
the 2-unit titanium
card and
the 3-unit titanium
combined to form a resource
value of 5 units
the 2-unit carbon card
Acquire 1 card from the card display
Acquire 1 card of your choice from the card display. Each card’s total cost equals
its printed cost plus the cost on the game board to its right. Your resource value must
meet or exceed this total
If your resource value equals the total cost, take the card from the display and put it in your hand.
If your resource value exceeds the total cost, take the card into your hand and use the remaining
units to advance on 1 or more company tracks (see below).
Attention: The card display is not refilled until the end of the round.
Advance on 1 or more company tracks
Use your resource value (or the remaining units if you acquired a card) to advance on company tracks.
For each unit, move one of
your track markers 1 space forward. Do so until you have used up all units. You can split up your units in any way you want, using
all of them on the same company track or dividing them among different tracks.
(See details of the company.)
Once you are finished, flip each card that added to the resource value face down. Then your turn ends.
Example: Lin ( ) uses a resource
value of 5 units (by combining the
2−unit titanium card and one of the
3−unit titanium cards).
For a card price of 4 units, she acquires the
2-unit minerals card from the display and puts
it into her hand. As she has 1 unit left, she uses
it to
1 space on
a company
track of
her choice.
Finally, she flips the used titanium
cards in her
action area face down.
With this action, you can spend energy to expand a company by entering new sectors of the Moon with its outposts.
To perform this action, you must use all energy cards in your action area at once.
You may not keep any of them for a later turn.
Each energy card shows a number of energy points ( ,
). Add up the energy
points of all energy cards in your action area and use that total to expand 1 company.
Which company you expand is up to you (but you may not divide your energy points
among more than 1 company).
Note:It doesn’t matter if any of the energy cards you use show an additional share of any
company. These additional shares only matter in the Final scoring phase.
First, choose a company. Then spend your energy points to enter
new sectors with outposts taken from that company’s station. The
24 sectors are separated from one another and the stations by
or double lines. Entering a sector consumes either 1, 2 or 3
energy points (see below for details).
Once you have spent all energy
points, you receive the
rewards the sectors you entered.
Then your turn ends.
To enter a sector, carry out the following steps:
Choose which sector you want to enter. This sector must be adjacent
to either the expanding company’s station OR to any
sector that contains an outpost of the expanding company.
Important: The sector you choose can contain an outpost of
another company but not of the expanding company itself.
Check how many energy points entering the sector consumes
(going out from the adjacent station/sector of the expanding
company). If you only have to cross a single line to enter it, it
consumes 1 energy point. If you have to cross a
double line, it
consumes 2 energy point. And if there is already an outpost of
another company in the sector, entering it consumes 1 additional energy point.
If you have enough energy points
to enter the sector, take 1 outpost
from the expanding
company’s station. Note, that
each station comprises
3 columns of 5 home spaces each. You can
take the outpost from any of the
station’s columns, but only from
the top of that column (closest to
the game board’s center).
Place the outpost in the sector. However,
place it on its hemispheric side, so that it
stands upright. (This is to mark that you
have entered the sector but have
not yet received its rewards.)
Repeat steps 1 to 4 until you’ve spent all your energy points.
If you cannot or do not want to spend all of them, you must
forfeit any excess.
Example: Lin
uses her total of
5 energy points to expand
Minerva Corp.
First, she enters sector 21 ,
which consumes 1 energy point, as she has to cross the
single line a to reach it.
She marks entering the sector by taking an outpost (a) a
from Minerva Station and placing it upright in the sector.
Next, she chooses to enter sector 16 , which also
consumes 1 energy point (for crossing the single line b).
Again, she marks this with an outpost (b) from
Minerva Station.
Finally, she enters sector 24, which consumes her
remaining 3 energy points (2 for crossing the double
line c and 1 more because a yellow outpost is already
there). Then Lin also marks this sector by placing an
outpost (c) from Minerva Station in it.
Once you have finished spending your energy
points, carry out the following steps:
Gain the reward of each structure in the sectors you just
entered. Take the rewards in any order, regardless of the
order in which you entered the sectors.
Oust any outposts that were already in the sectors you
entered. Return each of them to a vacant home space of
its station. You may choose which column to place the
outpost in, but it must go to the lowest vacant space of
that column. However,
you can never return an
outpost to the crossed
out home space of a
column (the 5th space
at the bottom). Once
that’s been revealed, it
stays revealed for the
entire game. Instead,
return the outpost to
the next vacant space
above it.
Once any ousted outposts have been
returned to their stations (there can
be no more than one outpost in
each sector now), tip over the
upright outposts.
Finally, flip all energy cards in your action area face
down. Then your turn ends.
Example (continued):
After Lin finishes expanding Minerva Corp. into
sectors 21, 16 and 24, she gains the rewards of
their structures: she gains 1 CrypCoin from the
bank and utilizes 3 research points (see below).
Then she ousts the yellow outpost back to Skymine
Station, lowers any upright outposts and flips the
energy cards in her action area face down.
Further notes and special cases:
There are 2 enclave sectors on the Moon.
Each of them is entirely surrounded by
another sector. Thus, before you can enter
an enclave sector, you must first have
entered its surrounding sector.
If there are no outposts left in a station, you cannot expand this company
until outposts are returned by ousting. If a station runs out of outposts
while you expand its company, you must forfeit any remaining energy
If you need to return an ousted outpost to its station but there is no valid
vacant home space left, remove the outpost from the game entirely.
If you only have one energy card and its energy points are not enough to
enter any sector, you must forfeit them entirely.
In each column of a station, the crossed out home space is the most
valuable as it shows 2 coin icons and cannot be covered again. Thus,
when expanding a company, it is usually advisable to empty a column
entirely before starting to empty the next column. However, if you have
good reasons, emptying the columns evenly can also be a viable option.
It does not matter if an outpost in a sector has any connection to its
station, you are still allowed to enter a sector adjacent to this outpost’s
sector when expanding its company.
Stations are not sectors and thus cannot be entered.
Before you learn about the “Use 1 research scientist card” action (which is used to advance your upload marker
on your research track), you first need to know about research plans and research points:
Your upload marker can only enter a screen of your research track if there is a research plan on it. This means that
in order to move forward on your research track at all, you must gradually fill its screens with research plans from
the research display. (Each player already starts with 1 research plan on their starting research token.)
To acquire research plans from the research display, you need research points. You might get research points when
expanding a company (see the previous pages), by using a research scientist card or through certain bonuses.
However, you cannot save research points up. Whenever you receive
any, you must utilize them right away by spending their total on any
of the following:
Take 1 A-research plan from the research display (cost: 1 research point).
Take 1 B-research plan from the research display (cost: 1 research point).
Take 1 C-research plan from the research display (cost: 2 research points).
Take 1 CrypCoin from the bank (cost: 1 research point).
Take 1 face-up special research plan from the round track (cost: 2 research points).
Note:: The first special research plan becomes available in round 2. Then each
round, a new one is revealed.
If you take a research plan from any of the 3 red-framed spaces linked to the supplement space,
also take any CrypCoin on that
supplement space.
(Note: Each round, only 1 CrypCoin is added to it.)
At the end of your turn, after you have utilized all your research points, carry out the
following two steps if you acquired any research plans:
Place each plan you acquired onto any screen on your research track. However,
there are a few things to consider:
You are not allowed to place an A-research plan onto an
empty screen that shows a crossed out A. (Only B-, C- and
special research plans may be placed onto these screens.)
You need research plans if you want to advance on your research track. Advancing
is described below. For now, you just need to know that research plans
show requirements which you must meet with the cards in your action area. The
better the requirements of the different plans fit together, the easier it is for you
to fulfill several of the research plans at once and advance quicker on the track.
Since you cannot skip empty screens, it usually is advisable to fill the screens of
the track from front to back. However, planning ahead and trying to place research
plans with similar requirements next to each other can be a good reason to place
research plans farther up the track.
Once placed, research plans cannot be removed from the track, though they may
be flipped (see below).
You are allowed to place a newly acquired research plan on top of any research
plan (irrespective of its type/letter) that is already on your track and that your
upload marker has not reached or passed yet.
After placing the acquired research plans onto your research track, fill each of the
now empty lettered spaces in the research display with a face-up research plan of
the matching letter from the research plan supply. Any empty round track spaces
remain empty.
Example: Expanding a company, Lin has
entered a sector that gives a research point
reward of and a sector that gives
As she collects her rewards, she utilizes
this total of 3 research points to take two
A−research plans from the research display
and 1 CrypCoin from the bank.
At the end of her turn, she places these two
research plans onto her research track:
Then she refills the 2 empty spaces of the
research display with face-up A−research
plans from the research plan supply.
With this action, you can upload your research by advancing your upload marker on your research track. This may give you various rewards.
To perform this action, carry out the following steps:
Before moving your upload marker, you may pay 2 CrypCoin to the bank to flip 1 research plan on your
research track face down (this includes the research plan on your starting research token).
Move your upload marker as far forward on your research track as you like, bearing in mind the
following rules:
You must move the upload marker forward plan by plan (in the direction indicated by the arrows of the screens
and the cables). Before your upload marker can enter a research plan, however, you have to check whether you
meet its requirements. Each research plan shows in its upper half 1 or 2 requirements. These requirements refer
to the cards which you currently have face up in your action area. To meet a requirement, you must make sure
that the total value of the cards of this type in your action area equals or exceeds the total value required. (The
order of the requirements on the research plan is irrelevant.) If you meet all requirements of a research plan,
you may enter it with your upload marker. Then you must check whether you meet the next plan’s requirements.
Again, if you do, you may move forward, and so on. This means each research plan is regarded separately - the
requirements of the research plans are not cumulative. Also, the cards used to meet the requirements
are not
used up, so do not flip them.
Special research plans have a different requirement as they have a CrypCoin cost instead:
To enter a special research plan, you must pay as many CrypCoin to the bank as its requirement shows.
(Note: The big number in the top right corner shows in which round the special research plan becomes available.)
Research plans that have been flipped and thus have their back side up can simply be entered as they have no
Empty screens of the research track can’t be entered.
If you cannot or do not want to move any farther, leave your upload marker on the research plan that you entered last.
Then you receive the reward of this (and only this) research plan. Flipped research plans and special research plans give no
rewards. However, special research plans increase the value of your research track at the end of the game.
If you do not move forward during this step and thus do not enter any new research plan, you do not gain a reward.
After you have finished moving your upload marker and have received the reward of the last research
plan you entered (or have not moved at all), utilize the total number of research points shown on the
research scientist card as usual.
Afterwards, flip the used research scientist card face down. Then your turn ends.
For a list of special requirements and rewards, see the section “Overview of selected icons”
Attention: If you are planning to use a research scientist card for moving forward on your research track, make sure
that you do so before an action that flips any of the required cards. Once flipped, they are not valid for the
Example: Lin uses the research
scientist 1 in her action area.
First, she chooses to pay
2 CrypCoin to flip the research
plan 2
that requires her to
have at least 2 energy points
in her action area (which she
does not have).
Then she moves her upload marker forward 3, checking each research plan to see if she
meets the requirements to enter it (i.e. if the total value required is present in her action area).
To enter the special research plan 4, she pays another 2 CrypCoin, then moves along.
She finally stops on the sixth research plan 5 (as she cannot meet the requirements of the
subsequent plan). She receives the sixth plan’s reward (2 research points). After utilizing these
2 research points, she utilizes the 2 research points of her research scientist card 6 and then
flips it. Since she managed to reach the fifth screen, she also switches on the additional action
slot there 7 (see Special spaces of the player boards). Then her turn ends.
With this action, you store helium-3 by advancing your helium-3 marker on your tank track. You also gain a few CrypCoin.
Note:Field scientist cards are the only action cards you have none of at the start of the game.
There are 5 Field scientist cards in total which you can acquire from the card display during the game.
To perform this action, use 1 of the field scientist cards in your action area.
If you use this
field scientist,
move your
marker 1 space
forward on
your tank track
AND gain
2 CrypCoin
from the bank.
If you use this Astrogo field scientist, first move your helium-3 marker
2 spaces forward on your tank track AND gain 1 CrypCoin from the bank.
Then check how many
gas collectors are in the sectors controlled by Astrogo
Enterprises (i.e. each sector that contains a pink outpost):
For every 2 gas collectors, move your helium-3 marker 1 additional space
forward on your tank track.
For each company, there is 1 field
scientist card that functions like
the Astrogo field scientist card:
After you’ve used your field scientist, flip it face down. Then your turn ends.
Example: Lin
uses the Astrogo field scientist to
move her helium-3 marker the basic 2 spaces
forward and to take 1 CrypCoin from the bank.
Then she checks the sectors controlled by
Astrogo Enterprises for gas collectors. As there
are 3 gas collectors, she moves her helium-3
marker 1 additional space forward. (If there
were 4 gas collectors, she could move
2 spaces.)
With this action, you can place 1 of your bonus markers onto a vacant bonus space, which gives you certain privileges or rewards.
To perform this action, take 1 of the bonus markers from your reserve and place it onto a vacant bonus space.
Usually, each bonus space states a requirement or cost which you have to meet or pay in order to place your
marker onto it. Depending on the space, you either receive its reward immediately or reserve for yourself a
certain bonus tile for the next round.
Once you have placed a bonus marker, it stays on that bonus space and blocks it for the rest of the round.
On the game board, you can find the following bonus spaces:
Majority bonus spaces
Requirement: You are only allowed to place your bonus marker onto this bonus space if currently no other player has
research scientist cards face up in their action area than you.
If you have 1 research scientist card in your action area, gain 2 CrypCoin from the bank.
If you have 1 research scientist card AND in addition another scientist card (no matter if it is a research
scientist or field scientist), gain 2 CrypCoin from the bank AND utilize 1 research point.
If you have 1 research scientist card AND in addition at least two others scientist cards (no matter if those
are research scientists and/or field scientists), gain 3 CrypCoin from the bank AND utilize 2 research points.
Requirement: You are only allowed to place your bonus marker onto this bonus space if currently no other player
has a higher total value of
titanium face up in their action area than you.
If you have a total value of at least 2 titanium units, you may move your marker on the Astrogo track 2 spaces
If you have a total value of at least 4 titanium units, you may instead move your marker on the Astrogo track
spaces forward AND remove an outpost from a station of your choice. (See Overview of selected icons).
If you have a total value of at least 6 titanium units, you may instead move your marker on the Astrogo track
4 spaces forward AND utilize 1 research point.
Each of the other 3 majority bonus spaces works just like the titanium majority bonus space:
You may only place your bonus marker onto such a majority bonus space if currently no other
player has a higher total value of the required type (resource units/energy points) face up in
their action area than you.
Depending on your total value of the required type, you gain a certain reward which includes
moving forward on a specific company track and may include an additional reward (like
gaining 1 CrypCoin).
You may choose the reward of a lesser total value than you have.
(For example, even if you have 6
minerals units in your action area, you
still may take the “4+” minerals reward instead of the “6+” minerals reward).)
Important: Gaining the reward of a majority bonus space does not use up the cards in your action area, so do not flip them.
Example: In a 3-player game, Lin ( )
wants to place one of her bonus markers onto the minerals majority bonus space. First, she checks
whether she is allowed to do so. She has a total value of 5 minerals units. Malik
( )
has a total value of only 3 minerals units and Amber
( )
also has a total value of 5 minerals units. Since no other player has a higher total value, Lin
is allowed to place her bonus marker.
She immediately
moves 3 spaces
forward on the
Minerva track
and 1 space forward
on her tank track.
You are not allowed
to place your bonus
marker onto this bonus
space if you are the
first player AND this is
your very first turn of a
round. (In later turns,
you may place your
marker here.)
Immediately take (or keep) the
first player marker (i.e. you will be
the first player of the next round).
This is the only way the first
player changes in the game.
Also utilize 1 research point.
Pay 1 CrypCoin to the bank.
Immediately buy 1 card from
the card display by paying its
total cost in CrypCoin to the
This is the only way
to acquire cards for money instead of
Take the card into your hand.
Example: After paying 1 CrypCoin to place
her bonus marker onto this
bonus space, Lin
the 2-unit titanium card
from the card display by
paying 3 CrypCoin
to the bank.
Remove 1 card
your hand
by placing it face
up onto the action
card discard pile.
Immediately gain an amount of
CrypCoin from the bank equal to the cost printed on the removed card + 2.
Example: Lin
removes the
1-unit carbon card from
her hand and discards it.
For this, she gains
3 CrypCoin from the bank.
Bonus tile spaces
Pay to the bank
the amount
of CrypCoin
shown (1 or 2).
There is no immediate effect, but you reserve the corresponding
bonus tile for the next round. You are not allowed to take it right
(See Details of the bonus tiles.)
Note This icon indicates that you get the reserved bonus tile in
the “Preparation phase for the next round”.
Perform this action only if you cannot or do not want to perform any of the other actions.
To perform this action, carry out the following steps:
Turn the face-down cards of your action area face up.
Pick up exactly 1 of your resting decks. In the first round, each resting deck comprises only one card. Later, resting decks may
comprise several cards. Take all cards of your chosen resting deck into your hand.
In the last round of the game (round 7) it doesn't matter which resting deck is picked up, because these cards won't be used anymore (there is no round 8). In order to speed up the gameplay, the Yucata implementation automatically picks the leftmost resting deck for you.
Then, clean up your action area by moving each card in your action slots to a different resting slot of your choice (you can’t move
more than one of them to the same slot). If there is already a resting deck at a resting slot, place the new card offset on top,
creating an overlapping column in which the bottom of each card is visible.
In the last round of the game (round 7) it doesn't matter which resting slots you move the cards to (there is no round 8). But even in the second last round of the game (round 6) this doesn't matter because in the following (last) round, it it won't matter which resting deck you pick up (see above). In order to speed up the gameplay in both cases, the Yucata implementation automatically moves the cards (to the resting slot directly above).
Finally, return any bonus tiles in your action area to the area below the right side of the game board.
Example:: Since Lin
has no cards or bonus
markers left to use, she drops
out of the Action phase.
First, she flips the face-down
cards in her action area face
up 1.
Then she picks up 1 resting
deck of her choice to return to
her hand 2.
Then she moves the cards from
her action slots to her resting
slots 3, each to a different
Finally, she returns the field
scientist tile to the area below
the right side of the game
board 4.
Players who have performed their “Drop out of Action phase” action are skipped for the rest of the Action phase.
Once the last remaining player has performed the “Drop out of Action phase” action, continue with the “Preparation phase for the
next round”. After the Action phase of round 7, continue with the Final scoring phase.
Carry out the following steps:
Flip the next special research plan face up
Return the bonus markers to the players (including possible bonus tiles)
Fill up the card display
a. Flip the next special research plan face up
Look under the next round’s special
research plan on the round track
and take the CrypCoin beneath it.
Place the coin onto the hexagonal
supplement space of the research
display. (If there are already any
CrypCoin on the supplement space,
place the new one on top of them.)
Then flip the next round’s special
research plan face up.
Example:: At the end
of round 3, in the
preparation phase
for round 4, the coin
beneath the special
research plan 4
is moved to the
supplement space.
Then the special
research plan 4 is
flipped face up.
b. Return the bonus markers to the players (including possible bonus tiles)
Each player: Return all your bonus
markers from bonus spaces to your
If you return any markers from
bonus tile spaces, also gain the
corresponding bonus tiles now and
place them face up in your action area
next to your action slots. (See details on the bonus tiles.)
Example:: Along with
returning her bonus marker
from the “Field scientist”
bonus tile space to her
reserve, Lin also takes the
corresponding field scientist
tile and places it face up in
her action area.
c. Fill up the card display
First, remove all remaining cards in the right column of the card
display (spaces 1 to 4) and place them face up onto the action card
discard pile.
After that, slide the cards remaining in the middle and left columns
as far right as they will go.
Finally, fill each empty space - going from the lowest number to the
highest - with a face-up card drawn from the action card stack.
If the action card stack runs out, any remaining empty spaces in the
display are not filled up any more.
After these steps are finished, begin with the Planning phase of the next round.


The last 8 cards of the action card stack are single share cards. Depending on how many cards the players
have acquired during the game, these single share cards enter the display sooner or later (or not at all).
Each of these cards represents a single additional share of a specific company. Once acquired, a single
share card remains in the hand of its owner until the Final scoring phase. It can never be placed in an
action slot (as there is no action associated with it).
After the Action phase of round 7, the game ends.
Now, the Final scoring phase takes place as follows:
Each player: First, pick up all cards of your resting decks and add them to your hand. Then
find from your hand all cards that show an additional company share on their right side. Sort
these by company and place them in front of you.
Now, one player takes the scoring pad. Go step by step through the 7 scoring categories, while
that player writes down how much each player earns:
Write down the amount of CrypCoin each player has as cash in their reserve.
Then, turn to Astrogo Enterprises and calculate for each player the amount
of CrypCoin they earn from the shares they have of Astrogo Enterprises.
To do this, count the number of uncovered coin icons in Astrogo Station.
Then, for each player, multiply this number by the total number of shares
which that player owns of Astrogo Enterprises. Write the individual result
of each player down.
Reminder: A player’s total number of shares of a company is equal to the
last share icon that they reached on that company’s track + each additional
share of that company they have on their
cards (see also section “Object of the game”).
Repeat this for the shares of:
Tawac Industries,
Skymine Resources
and Minerva Corp.
For each player, write down the last value their
helium-3 marker has passed on their tank track.
For each player,
determine the last value,
which their
has passed on
their research track.
Then add to it any
values on face-up
special research tokens
that their upload marker
has reached or passed.
Write the individual
result of each player
Finally, add up the earnings in the seven categories for each player.
The player who earned the most CrypCoin in total wins the game. In the case of a tie, the victory is shared.
You can reserve bonus tiles for the next round via the bonus tile
spaces (see Standard bonus spaces).
You receive them during the
phase for the next round”
and must cede them again at the end of that round.
There are 4 bonus tiles:
“+1”-resource tile
When you receive the “+1”-resource tile, place it next to your player board and keep it there until
the Action phase of that round. Then, during any of your own turns of that Action phase, place
the “+1”-resource tile in the bottom right corner of any face-up resource card in your action area.
From then on, the value of this resource card is increased by 1 unit of that type.
Once placed, you are not allowed to move the “+1”-resource tile to another resource card.
After you have used the resource card with the tile, flip both face down.
You cannot use the tile independently of a resource card.
This card counts as a 3-unit carbon card
The following 3 bonus tiles are called action tiles. Action tiles are regarded as action cards of their type, except that they don’t
require empty action slots and instead are placed beside your other cards in your action area. They are flipped after use as usual.
Field scientist tile
When you use this tile, first move your
helium-3 marker 2 spaces forward on
your tank track. Then move your helium−3
1 additional space forward for
each further
field scientist card that is
currently face up in your action area
(excluding this field scientist tile).
Research scientist tile
This tile is used like any
other research scientist
card (but grants only
1 research point).
Energy tile
This tile is used
like any other
energy card
and has a value
of 2 energy
Each company track has one or two money barriers. These are not considered spaces of that track but
function as a link between two adjacent spaces. Whenever your track marker passes a money barrier,
you must immediately pay the CrypCoin shown on it to the bank. If you cannot or do not want to, your
track marker must stop and remain on the space before the money barrier.
If you reach the last space of a track, your track marker remains there for the rest of the game.
If you use a reward that lets you move forward on a specific track and you cannot use it completely
(because of a money barrier which you cannot pay or the end of the track), move your marker as far as
possible and forfeit the rest.
Money barrier
Each company track has 2 bonus thresholds. Whenever your track marker passes one, two things
You gain from the bank the amount of CrypCoin shown beside it (1 or 2 CrypCoin).
Each player who has already passed it also gains that amount from the bank.
First bonus threshold
First track bonus
When you pass a bonus threshold, you also unlock its track bonus. This track bonus will take effect
from your next turn onward (i.e. if you unlock it in the middle of an action, you cannot use it while
carrying out that action).
There are 2 types of track bonus:
Permanent bonuses
and bonus space bonuses
If you have unlocked a permanent bonus, you may use it each time you perform an action to which
it is relevant.
Bonus space bonuses work exactly like the bonus spaces on the game board (i.e. you use them with
the “Place 1 bonus marker” action).
Each track has 2 track bonuses. The second is usually an improved version of the first.
Important: If you’ve unlocked the second track bonus of a company track, you may use EITHER the
second OR the first track bonus, but you cannot use both. This means:
Permanent bonuses are not cumulative.
If one of your bonus markers is already on one of the two bonus spaces of a company track, you
are not allowed to place a second marker onto the other.
Second bonus threshold
Second track bonus
Permanent bonuses
The total value of energy
points in your action area
is increased by 1 or 2 for
all intents and purposes
(expanding a company, majority bonus spaces, research plan
requirements, etc.). However, this bonus takes effect only if you
have at least 1 energy card in your action area.
You have 1 or 2
additional bonus markers
of your color
which you can place as usual. (Take these bonus markers
from those that were returned to the box during setup.)
Whenever you
acquire a card
from the card
display by
using minerals-resource cards as a payment,
the card’s total cost is reduced by 1.
Whenever you acquire a
card from the card display,
you can use a mix of any
type of resource cards to do
so. Also, the card’s total cost
is reduced by 1.
Each time you acquire a card from
the card display by
titanium-resource cards
as a payment, the
card’s total cost is reduced by 1.
The value of each titanium resource card in your action area
is increased by 1 for all intents and
This track bonus consists of 2 parts:
You now have a permanent field scientist icon (virtually located in your action area). You cannot
actively use it, but it counts as an additional field scientist card when using the field scientist
tile, when gaining the scientist bonus space reward and for meeting the
requirements of research plans.
You always meet this research plan requirement now.
Whenever you use any company’s field scientist (e.g. the Astrogo field scientist), the number of gas
collectors that this company controls is increased by 1.
If, for example, you use the Astrogo field scientist
and Astrogo Enterprises controls 3 gas collectors on the board, they count as 4.
The second track bonus is the same as the first (see above),
but the number of gas collectors is increased by 3.
Bonus space bonuses
Pay 2 CrypCoin to
the bank.
Utilize 2 research points AND move your
helium-3 marker 1 space forward on your tank track.
Utilize 1 research point AND move 2 spaces forward
on your tank track.
Pay 1 CrypCoin
to the bank.
Immediately utilize 2 research
points AND move 2 spaces forward on
your tank track.
Immediately buy 1 card from the card
display by paying its total cost in CrypCoin to the
bank (take the card into your hand)
AND/OR move 1 space forward on your tank track.
Immediately buy 1 card from the card display
by paying its total cost reduced by 1 in CrypCoin to the
bank (take the card into your hand) AND/OR move
2 spaces forward on your tank track.
Remove 1 card
your hand
by placing it face
up onto the action
card discard pile.
Immediately gain an
amount of CrypCoin from the
bank equal to the
cost printed
on the removed card + 3.
Remove 1
from your hand by
placing it face up onto the
action card discard pile.
Immediately gain an
amount of CrypCoin from the
bank equal to the
cost printed
on the removed card + 8.
Pay 1 CrypCoin
to the bank.
Choose two company tracks (but not track
D2 itself). Move your track marker on one of them
3 spaces forward and your track marker on the other
2 spaces.
Pay 1 CrypCoin
to the bank.
Move your track markers on each of the other
3 company tracks forward (not track D2). Move 3 spaces on
one, and 2 on each of the others.
Remove 1 card from your hand by placing it face up onto
the action card discard pile.
Immediately perform the action corresponding to the discarded card’s type.
It cannot be combined with other action cards in your action area.
If, for example, the discarded card has 2 energy points, you must use them to
expand one company. You cannot combine the card with other energy cards
in your action area. However, if it is a research scientist card, you still count
the cards in your action area towards the requirements of research plans.
The permanent bonuses of other company tracks still apply when using the
discarded card (as if it were in your action area).
Pay 2 CrypCoin to the bank to add any card from the discard pile to your hand.
Remove 1 card from your hand
by placing it face up onto the
action card discard pile.
Immediately perform the
action of the discarded card
AND/OR buy 1 card of your
choice from the action discard
pile (see left for details).
For simplicity reasons, in the Yucata implementation, the player first has the opportunity to buy a card from the discard pile and then performs the action of the discarded card (in that order). Theoretically if the player first performed the action of the discarded card, the player may have gotten the needed 2 CrypCoins to buy the card from the discard pile. However this case is very special, rare and irrelevant if the player already has 2 CrypCoins available. And the action flow is more straight forward and easier to follow. For example: After playing a reasearch scientist that lead to removal of outposts from a station, the flow comes back to buying a card from the discard pile - the player may ask: what was that benefit for again?
If your helium-3 marker reaches the final tank space,
it must stop and remain there for the rest of the game.
However, from that moment on, whenever you receive
any rewards that allow you to move forward on your
tank track (including any excess
movement when reaching the
space), instead gain 2 CrypCoin
from the bank
for each space you would have moved.
Once your helium-3
marker reaches
this space,
the additional action slot
beneath it is switched on.
Flip its
ON/OFF marker to ON.
You can use this slot starting
with the
next Planning phase
(see section
“Planning phase”).
If your upload marker reaches the research plan on the
, it must stop and remain there for the rest of the game.
From now on, whenever you utilize research points, you must
of them to gain 2 CrypCoin from the bank. (You are
no longer allowed to utilize
research points in any other
Once your upload marker
reaches the research plan on
this screen
, the additional
action slot beneath it is
switched on.
Flip its ON/OFF marker to ON.
You can use this slot starting
with the next Planning phase
see section “Planning phase”).
General game notes and further special cases
When acquiring a card from the card display, you must always use at least 1 resource card (even if the total cost is zero). However,
if the cost is zero, you can use all units of the resource value to advance on company tracks. A card’s total cost can never drop
below zero (even if a track bonus would make it do so).
When you buy a card for CrypCoin via a bonus space and its total cost is zero (it cannot drop below zero), you do not have to pay
any CrypCoin to take it. (But you still have to pay the possible cost of the bonus space itself.)
If the research plan supply of a certain letter runs out, empty spaces of that letter in the research plan display are not filled up any
The supply of CrypCoin is considered unlimited. If you run out, use something else as a replacement.
If you want to make the card planning aspect in the game more challenging, you can use the following
Each action slot is linked to the resting slot in the same vertical line.
This means that when you clean up your action area during the “Drop out of Action phase” action, you
must move each action card from its action slot straight up to the resting slot in the same vertical line
(instead of choosing in which resting slot to place it).
In this play variant the Yucata implementation automatically moves the cards.
After setting the game up as usual, take the 6 mission cards and shuffle them face down. Depending
on the number of human players, place one or two mission cards face up next
to the game board:
If there are 1 or 2 human players, place 1 mission card.
If there are 3 or 4 human players, place 2 beside each other.
Each player: Take 1 of the remaining
face-down mission cards and place
it in front of you so that the mission
status card on its back is facing up.
Then take your 3 one-time bonus
markers and place them onto the
3 dashed spaces in the bottom part of
your mission status card.
Finally, place your mission status card
(with your 3 one-time bonus markers
on it) in the area
above the face-up
mission card(s).
Return any spare cards
and one-time bonus markers
to the game box.
Playing the game
The game is played as usual. The mission cards do not change the normal rules but provide additional options.
Each mission card shows 3 tasks that you can fulfill.
If, during your turn, you meet the requirements of any task, you may take your mission status card (with your
one-time bonus markers on it) and place it directly below that task’s mission card so that their 3 columns align.
Afterwards, gain 2 CrypCoin from the bank.
Then take the one-time bonus marker in that task’s column and place it in your reserve.
Your mission status card is now linked to that mission card and for the rest of the game you can only fulfill tasks in whose column you
still have a one-time bonus marker. Again, on any of your turns, you can fulfill such a task to gain 2 CrypCoin and the corresponding
one-time bonus marker.
Once you’ve fulfilled the last task and all of your one-time bonus
markers are gone from your mission status card, also take the mission
status card and place it next to your player board. You have now
unlocked the personal bonus space on its bottom, which you can use
for the rest of the game (by taking the “Place 1 bonus marker” action
as usual). The other players cannot use your personal bonus space.
Further notes and special cases:
Each player is allowed to fulfill the tasks of one mission card. They are not blocked by the first player to do so. If you
fulfill your first task and there are already one or more mission status cards below its mission card, just place your
mission status card below them.
When a mission status card is empty and thus removed from its mission card, just move any other mission status cards
upwards to close the resulting gap.
As their name suggests, one-time bonus markers can be used like regular bonus markers but
only once. So when you place a one-time bonus marker on a bonus space, that marker is
removed from the game during the next “Preparation phase for the next round”.
You can fulfill the tasks of a mission card in any order and on any of your turns (even several in the same turn). Some
of them can only be fulfilled by meeting their requirement while performing a certain action. Others can be fulfilled in
addition to performing an action. In any case, fulfilling a task is never considered an action itself.
The tasks on the mission cards should mostly be self-explanatory. The following tasks may need clarification:
End of the game
Carry out the end of the game and the Final scoring phase as usual.
Playing the game
The game is played as usual. However, playing on the Belt side of the board entails changes to the following two actions:
The and the
2) Use all energy cards in your action area
With this action, you still expand the companies. However, now you place their outposts onto asteroids and their shuttles onto
flight paths between those asteroids. Outposts of different companies can even share the same asteroids.
As usual, to perform this action, you must use all energy cards in your
action area to expand 1 company of your choice. Instead of entering
sectors, however, you spend your energy points to enter Belt spaces.
There are two kinds of Belt space:
To enter a Belt space, carry out the following steps:
Choose a belt space that is within reach of the company you are
An outpost space is within reach if it’s on an asteroid that:
A shuttle space is within reach if its flight path is attached to
an asteroid that has at least one outpost of the expanding
As usual, you may enter belt spaces that contain outposts or
shuttles of other companies.
Check whether it consumes 1, 2 or 3 energy points to enter
the Belt space:
Entering a Belt space consumes 1 energy point (by itself (as
shown by the printed icon on it).
If - in order to reach that Belt space - you cross the part of a
flight path that has a icon printed on it, it consumes
1 energy point in addition.
And if there is already an outpost or shuttle of another
company on that Belt space, it consumes
1 more energy point to oust it.
If you have enough energy
points to enter the Belt
space, take the appropriate
piece from the expanding
company’s station: outposts
from the top of either outer
column, shuttles from the top
of the middle column ("top" meaning closest to the game board's center).
Place the outpost or shuttle onto the Belt space. As usual,
place outposts upright for now and do the same with the
shuttles (to mark that you have not yet received rewards).
If there is a piece of another
company on the entered Belt
space, mark its ousting by
sliding that piece a bit over
so that it lies beside the
Belt space for now.
Repeat steps 1 to 4 until you’ve spent all your energy points. If
you cannot or do not want to spend all of them, you must forfeit
any excess.
Lin uses her total of 6 energy
points to expand Minerva Corp.
First she enters shuttle
space 19 (a), which consumes
1 energy point. She marks this with the top shuttle taken
from Minerva Station (a).
She then enters the empty outpost space (b) on asteroid 14.
This consumes 2 energy points, because the part of the flight
path she uses to get there shows an additional icon. She
marks the outpost space with an outpost taken from Minerva
Station (b).
Next, she chooses to enter shuttle space 13 (c). This
consumes 2 energy points (1 for entering the shuttle space
and 1 for ousting the pink shuttle). Again, she marks this with
a shuttle taken from Minerva Station (c).
Now Lin has 1 energy point left which she uses to place
an outpost (d) onto the empty outpost space on
asteroid 18 (d).
Once you have finished spending your energy points, carry out the following steps:
Gain your rewards for expanding the company:
For each shuttle space you entered which shows this reward icon,
move your marker 1 space forward on the track of the company you just expanded.
For each asteroid on which you just placed the first outpost(s) of that company (i.e. the
expanding company did not have an outpost there right before your expansion), gain
the rewards shown on that asteroid’s reward screen. (This means, whenever further
outposts of the same company are placed on the same asteroid, its rewards cannot be
gained again.)
Take the rewards in any order, regardless of the order in which you entered the Belt spaces.
(For details of the rewards, see „The structures and their rewards”.)
Return any outposts and shuttles that you ousted to their stations. Place shuttles
on the topmost vacant space of their column. Place outposts on the topmost vacant
space of the outer column of your choice ("top" meaning closest to the game board's center). Remember
that you can never return outposts/shuttles to any
of the crossed out home spaces. Instead, return
the outpost/shuttle to the next vacant home
space below it.
Once ousted outposts and shuttles have been
returned to their stations (there can be no more
than one piece on each Belt space now), tip over
the upright outposts and shuttles so that they
occupy their belt space correctly.
Finally, flip all energy cards in your action area face down. Then your turn ends.
Example (continued):
After Lin finishes expanding Minerva Corp., she gains the rewards for
doing so:
She gains the rewards shown on the reward screen of asteroid 14 (a) (1 research point + 1 CrypCoin).
She also gains the reward of shuttle space 13 (b) (moving 1 space
forward on the Minerva track).
She does not gain the rewards shown on the reward screen of
asteroid 18 (c), because an outpost of Minerva Corp. was already
present on that asteroid before Lin’s action.
Then she returns the ousted pink shuttle (d) to Astrogo Station, lowers
the upright outposts and shuttles, and finally flips the energy cards in
her action area face down.
Further notes and special cases:
Each flight path between a station and an asteroid already contains a printed
shuttle of the corresponding company
(see blue marking in the example above). This
stays for the entire game. You can’t place any shuttles on these flight paths.
If there are no shuttles left in a station, this company cannot claim any other flight paths until shuttles are returned by
ousting. If there are no shuttles and outposts left in a station, this company cannot be expanded until any of its pieces are
returned by ousting. If a company runs out of options for placing outposts/shuttles while you expand it, you must forfeit any
remaining energy points.
If you need to return an ousted outpost or shuttle to its station but there is no valid vacant home space left, remove that
piece from the game entirely.
If you only have one energy card and its energy points are not enough to enter any Belt space, you must forfeit them entirely.
4) Use 1 field scientist card in your action area
This action works almost as usual (see). Only the
manner in which you calculate how many gas collectors a
company controls is different:
Example: Lin
uses the Minerva field scientist to move her
helium-3 marker the basic 2 spaces forward and to take
1 CrypCoin from the bank. Then she checks how
many gas collectors are
controlled by Minerva Corp.
Minerva Corp. has outposts
on asteroids 10 and 15.
Also, two of them cover
both outpost spaces that
are linked to a further gas collector.
Therefore Minerva Corp. controls a
total of 3 gas collectors, which means
that Lin
moves her helium-3 marker
1 additional space forward.
Attention: When playing on the Belt side of the board, bear the following in mind:
Whenever an icon shows an outpost ( / )
it means only outposts. It never includes shuttles.
End of the game
Carry out the end of the game and the Final scoring phase as usual.
scientist card
Field scientist
Either scientist
To meet this requirement, you
need to have at least 1 field or
research scientist card face up
in your action area.
However, if
it is a research scientist card, it
cannot be the one that is currently
advancing your upload marker.
Move your helium-3
marker this many spaces
forward on your tank track.
(Follow the arrows of
your tanks. If you move it
through a pipe, follow the
arrows to the next tank.)
Utilize this many research points to acquire research plans from the research
display and/or CrypCoin from the bank (see).
Move your marker this many spaces
forward on the track of
the company
you just expanded
during a “Use all
energy cards” action.
Move your marker
this many spaces
forward on the
company track
Move your marker this
many spaces forward on
one company track of
your choice
Remove 1 outpost from the station of a company of your choice and return it to the game box. You may remove it
from any column, but it must be the top outpost in that column (the one closest to the center of the game board).
When playing on the Belt side of the board, shuttles cannot be removed this way.
To meet this requirement, you need to have at least 4 units of one resource type
face up in your action area (at least
4 titanium units and/or
4 carbon units and/or 4 minerals units).
To meet this requirement, you need to have at least 3 units of carbon
AND at least 3 further units of one
resource type face
up in your action area.
(You meet the requirement if you have at least:
3 carbon units + 3 titanium units
OR |
3 carbon units + 3 minerals units
OR |
6 carbon units).
Following the rules above, remove 2 outposts
from any stations.
Pay this many CrypCoin from
your reserve to the bank.
Gain this many CrypCoin
from the bank.
To meet this requirement,
you need to have at least
1 titanium unit face up in
your action area.
If your upload marker stops on this research plan, gain from the bank an
amount of CrypCoin equal to the total value of titanium that you have face up
in your action area reduced by 1. (For example, if your total value of titanium
is 6 units, you gain 5 CrypCoin, if it is 1 unit, you gain nothing).
I cannot click the buttons of the dialog
For example this issue happens on an android mobile phone with Chrome browser.
In this case it might help to deactivate the movability of dialog windows via the in-game settings.
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