War Chest - General game info
War Chest
2 players, 30-60 minutes, 14 years and older
AuthorsTrevor Benjamin
David Thompson
IllustratorBrigette Indelicato
Published byAlderac Entertainment Group
Online since 2020-06-13
Developed byCraig Chaney (coastliner)
Yucata.de owns a license for the online version of this game. A big "thank you" to the copyright owners (publisher and/or author and illustrator) who make it possible to have this game for free online here!
Current open invitations
Best players
Player TrueSkill*
Judge IL-6 1332
Farmer floki 1285
Secretary Duncan31 1278
Builder ifrabe 1261
Farmer jama 1257
Fisherman wuxibai2 1253
Lay monk wererabbit 1243
Farmer Lolapeta 1206
Ahaucan Orphebus 1205
Builder EricBinNYC 1202
* Only ranking games count
Players with most games
Player Number of games*
Fisherwoman DunBroch_CdC 1431
Farmer floki 965
Farmer jama 901
Chilan priest poldini 714
Messenger BuckCheeseman 652
Builder ifrabe 629
Councillor Fulvio 627
Mayor Coramoor88 618
Lay monk wererabbit 608
Farmer Lolapeta 558
* Only ranking games count
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